University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

CoB Dean's Excellence Awards

Since 2008, the College of Business (CoB) has recognized outstanding faculty achievements in research, teaching and service. Honorees are chosen by a committee of their peers, receive a commemorative plaque, and are recognized at an annual CoB year-end event.

In 2012, a fourth award was added to recognize outstanding achievement by a member of the administrative staff. In 2019, the teaching award was expanded to recognize teaching excellence at the undergraduate as well as graduate levels. Additionally, The Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award was established.

Teaching Excellence Award

Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate and Graduate teaching

Recognizes consistent faculty excellence in teaching and service to students. It seeks to identify and recognize teachers who effectively enhance student learning and demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skills, and commitment to student learning, motivation, and development.

Criteria for the Teaching Award:

  • Excellent teachers demonstrate commitment to students and their learning in classroom and non-classroom settings and successfully meet challenges encountered from changes in technology, class size, material covered and level of course.
  • Excellent teachers possess a deep understanding of the subjects they teach and how those subjects fit into the student’s program of study. They teach those subjects effectively to capture and sustain the student engagement and maximize value-added learning in their teaching.
  • Excellent teachers emphasize both rigor and student satisfaction in their teaching and use clear, reasonable, but ambitious, course syllabi.
  • Excellent teachers go beyond the call of duty to impact student lives significantly for the better.
  • Excellent teachers are respected for their teaching expertise and used as a resource on teaching by their colleagues.

Research Excellence Award

Faculty Excellence in Research and Scholarship

Rewards excellence in research and scholarship and is based on scholarly and professional work of exceptional quality and significance.

Criteria for the Research Award:

  • Continued study and familiarity with current scholarship and publications in one's field.
  • The advancement of theory, applications, and methodology.
  • Conference papers, reviews, analyses, bibliographies, textbooks, and pedagogical works.
  • Publication of significant research in high quality scholarly journals with high impact factors.
  • The respect of competent colleagues and professional recognition as indicated by journal citations.

Service Excellence Award

Faculty excellence in service

Recognizes consistent faculty excellence above and beyond the call of duty in service to the department, college, and university.

Criteria for the Service Award:

  • Leadership and participation with significant impact by the nominee in departmental, college, and university committees that have a significant impact.
  • Leadership and participation with significant impact by the nominee in departmental, college, and university initiatives.
  • Leadership and participation with significant impact by the nominee in departmental, college, and university goals related to CoB student life and activity.
  • Exceptional contributions by the nominee to the department, college, and university efforts not covered by any of the other criteria.

Staff Excellence Award

Outstanding Staff Contributions to the College

Recognizes the impact of CoB contract professionals and staff on the quality of the CoB through significant and sustained service.

Criteria for the Staff Excellence award:

  • Accomplishments — in his/her area of responsibility, the recipient has made outstanding contributions to the CoB's and University's goals.
  • Administrative achievement — the recipient contributes to the development and implementation of CoB policies and programs that have had a significant impact.
  • Creativity — ability to adapt/develop new solutions to the ever-changing needs of the CoB, its students, and constituents
  • Service including mentoring, advising, cooperation with other units.
    On campus—in his/her position, the recipient has contributed to the success of the CoB through cooperation with other units, helping students and colleagues succeed, developing programs worthy of recognition, etc.

The Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award

Outstanding Engagement by a CoB Advisory Board Member

Recognizes outstanding service and engagement in the College of Business by a CoB advisory board member.

Criteria for the Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award:

  • High levels of engagement with and commitment to the particular board on which they serve over an extended period of time.

Honorees by Year

2022 Honorees

Undergraduate Teaching Excellence -

Cynthia Tomasch

Cynthia Tomasch

Research Excellence –

Sydney Chinchanachokchai

Sydney Chinchanachokchai

Service Excellence -

Asoke Dey

Asoke Dey

Staff Excellence -

Dan Reichert

Dan Reichert

The Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award -

Chris O'Neil

Chris O'Neil

2021 Honorees

Undergraduate Teaching Excellence -

Jim McKelvey

Jim McKelvey

Graduate Teaching Excellence -

Thaddeus Neururer

Thaddeus Neururer

Research Excellence –

Federico de Gregorio

Federico de Gregorio

Service Excellence -

Vanja Djuric

Vanja Djuric

Staff Excellence -

Caroline Tuesday

Caroline Tuesday

The Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award -

Frank Steininger

Frank Steininger

2020 Honorees

Undergraduate Teaching Excellence -

Sydney Chinchanachokchai

Sydney Chinchanachokchai

Graduate Teaching Excellence -

Andrew R. Thomas


Research Excellence –

Alexa Fox

Alexa Fox

Service Excellence -

Julianne Jones

Julianne Jones

Staff Excellence -

Nancy Stott

Nancy Stott

The Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award -

Bob Chess

Bob Chess

2019 Honorees

Undergraduate Teaching Excellence -

Mark Welfley

Mark Welfley Celebrating 15 years of service to the College, Mark Welfley, assistant professor of practice of accounting, serves as Course Coordinator for Spreadsheet Modeling. Most commendable is his dedication to excellence inside and outside the classroom, his continuous efforts to keeping his course relevant and applicable, and the evidence of impact he has on students, other courses, and the mission to the CoB.

Graduate Teaching Excellence -

Doron Narotzki

Doron Narotzki Joining the College of Business in 2014, Dr. Doron Narotzki, assistant professor of accounting, is a professional leader in international tax and M&A. A testament to his teaching, as well as mentoring students outside the classroom, is the very strong placement of students who graduate from the Master of Tax program that have taken his courses.

Research Excellence – Co-winners:

For the first time ever, a tie! Equally deserving of this award for their very impressive records and publications, having published in the top 5 journals in their respective field based on the impact factors, as well as presentations, working papers, and other types of intellectual contributions over the past five years.

Sucharita Ghosh

Sucharita Ghosh A two-time Fulbright research scholar, Dr. Sucharita Ghosh, professor of economics, consistently demonstrates excellence through the quality of her research publications in high-quality journals, conference participations, and involvements in professional organizations, while also serving on the editorial board of the Atlantic Economic Journal and as referee for various journals.

Thaddeus Neururer

Thaddeus Neururer Dr. Thaddeus Neururer, assistant professor of accounting, joined the CoB in 2017. His publications have been in the top journals in the fields of accounting, finance, and management. His current research interests include the effect of accounting and related information on investor uncertainty, ex-ante risk distributions, the valuation of derivative securities, and asset pricing in general as well as the informational properties of analysts’ forecasts, their processing costs, information spillovers, and analysts’ non-EPS forecasts.

Service Excellence -

Erin Makarius

Erin Makarius It is often said if you want anything done, ask a busy person to do it. This year’s award recipient, Dr. Erin Makarius, associate professor of management, exemplifies this statement. While Erin’s contributions to academia are many, we especially draw attention to the following activities in which she has or does participate in: Human Resources Management (SHRM) advisor, Academic Program Review, Measuring Student Success Committee; President of the United States Council of Advisors on Science & Technology: Advanced Manufacturing Partnership 2.0 Work Creek Leader, Dissertation Committee (currently serves on three committees), and elected Representative at Large to the Academy of Management – Division Leadership.

Staff Excellence -

Brenda Papoi

Brenda Papoi This year's winner, Brenda Papoi, has demonstrated her willingness to support the college above her normal job requirements; first in support of the Taylor Institute and now as administrative assistant to the Marketing Department. She demonstrates the ability to be proactive and innovative. Coming on board in 2008, Brenda is an excellent team player, puts a high priority on the needs and success of the CoB, and successfully works with people in the college, across the UA campus, and with outside business partners.

The Roger T. Read Advisory Board Engagement Award -

Roger Read

Roger Read This award will be added to the Dean's Excellence Awards going forward. The award was established May 3, 2019 to recognize outstanding service and engagement in the College of Business by an advisory board member. Named in his honor, a plaque was presented to Roger Read to celebrate the establishment of this award and to also recognize Roger’s outstanding years of service, mentorship, and steadfast loyalty to the College of Business.

2018 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Eric R. Brisker

Eric R. Brisker Joining the College of Business in 2012, Dr. Eric Brisker, assistant professor of finance, is widely recognized as an elite teacher. He is a diverse scholar and an innovator in the classroom, using technology to add value to the learning experience. Dr. Brisker has converted three finance classes to the hybrid format and one finance class to fully online delivery.

Research Excellence –

Li Wang

Li Wang Dr. Li Wang, associate professor of accounting, has demonstrated excellence in her research since joining the CoB in 2007. In the last five years, she has published a total of nine high quality papers. Of these, two have been accepted for publication in A+ rated journals.

Service Excellence –

Jill Bisco

Jill Bisco Dr. Jill Bisco, assistant professor of finance, joined the CoB faculty in 2014. During her tenure at the University, she has made meaningful contributions to the university, CoB, and to the community. It is her efforts in developing degree programs in the area of risk management and insurance and correspondingly working with students to establish a finance honorary chapter on campus where her service to the department and its stakeholders has been exemplary.

Staff Excellence –

Matt Dowd

Matt Dowd Joining the College of Business's staff in 2002, Computer Lab Support Specialist Matthew Dowd is all about how he can best contribute his talents and expertise to meeting CoB's technology needs. Most commendable is Matt’s interaction with students and departments to provide excellent customer service, ensuring technology issues are quickly resolved.

2017 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Dr. Marcus Braga Alves

Marcus Braga Alves Dr. Marcus Braga Alves, associate professor, joined the Finance faculty Fall 2014. During his tenure at the University, he has garnered top ratings in teaching, is innovative in the classroom and, more importantly, adaptable. Even with solid course evaluations, Dr. Braga Alves continues to look for ways to improve learning outcomes, course rigor and student satisfaction and continues to refine his craft. He implemented the knowledge he gained from completing the Design and Development class for online and hybrid courses by converting all his classes to the hybrid format without a reduction in the rigor of those classes or student satisfaction.

Research Excellence –

Dr. Eric Brisker

Eric Brisker Dr. Eric Brisker, assistant professor in the Department of Finance, has a record of high quality publications and is also actively involved in scholarly activities including conference presentations, discussions, and serving as an ad hoc reviewer for several journals. Since arriving to the University in Fall 2012, Dr. Brisker has had eight articles published or accepted for publication. The average quality of these publications is very high with three papers published in journals on the Finance department's “A” list and two published in the Finance department's “A” financial planning list. To date, his work has been presented at nine regional or national conferences. Moreover, he has a diverse research portfolio with scholarly contributions in the areas of capital structure, executive compensation, financial literacy, and mergers and acquisitions. In addition, Dr. Brisker has worked with 11 different coauthors so the common thread in quality of his work is him.

Service Excellence –

Dr. Deborah Owens

Deborah Owens Dr. Deborah Owens, associate professor in the Department of Marketing, exemplifies what it means to be a leader in her community, at The University of Akron, and to the academic discipline overall. Her breadth and depth of service have impacted students both within and outside the College of Business, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Included in this list would be her work with the Honor’s College in various capacities, as a Steering Committee member of the EXL Center, the Student Success Steering Committee, work in preparing the Hult Prize Team from The University of Akron, her engagement with Women in Business and Women’s Leadership Summit, as a faculty advisor for numerous CoB student organizations, and the many hours spent mentoring and advising students. For the past 8 years, Dr. Owens has created, organized, and operated a summer “Business School Bootcamp” for Project GRAD students. Project GRAD is a nonprofit education program focused on helping underrepresented inner-city students reach their future career goals by motivating them to attend college after they graduate from high school. Her passion and commitment is contagious and inspiring with her dedication for service remarkable.

Staff Excellence –

Mrs. Sue Tully

Sue Tully Sue Tully has been an exemplary member of the CoB staff since 2009. The work she did voluntarily that facilitated all the moving into, out of, and within the CoB building in the summer of 2016 to successfully relocate two academic departments was beyond the scope of her job responsibilities. This turned out to be a massive undertaking. Many individual CoB faculty and staff were impacted by Sue's work. Her willingness to step forward and meet this urgent one-time need was invaluable to the success of the college. Sue facilitated an atmosphere of cooperation between the CoB and the many units across campus that was so necessary to get the job done well with minimal disruption to the faculty and staff.

2016 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Julianne B. Jones, JD, MTax, CPA

Julianne Jones Ms. Jones teaches courses in tax that would be considered by many to be the least likely for students to enjoy; yet through her innovative teaching methods, she is able to take the subject of taxation and make it come alive for her students. Ms. Jones puts into practice daily her teaching philosophy of “teaching the students challenging and relevant material while mentoring them in the transition from student to professional to leader.” Ms. Jones' teaching evaluation scores are consistently high and mirror the qualitative student comments she receives:

  • “The combination of real world examples and practical tips and the tax laws were my favorite part of this course. Professor Buynak's [Jones'] experience in practice really brings to life a lot of these concepts.”
  • “The class was a great experience. Not only did she break down the material, but she was enthusiastic/passionate about the topic. One of the best professors I have ever had and always made time to help me succeed.”

Research Excellence –

Dr. Erin Makarius

Erin Makarius Dr. Erin Makarius is very deserving of this award. Her publications have been in the top journals in the management field; contributing to the field of organizational behavior, human resources, and management education. She regularly presents papers at various national and international level conferences, and, in recognition of her research on reputation, was invited to publish a book chapter in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Seminal to the committee's recommendation is Dr. Makarius' outstanding 2015 Organization Science publication, “Choosing the Company You Keep: Racial Relational Demography Outside and Inside of Work,” complete with its impact factor of 6.309.

Service Excellence –

Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan

Mahesh Srinivasan Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan has been engaged in service at every level at the University while also providing service to the Management profession. Most notable has been the high impact level of his service on President Obama's Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) 2.0 initiative as the lead of a sub-group within the Workforce Development-Workforce Education workgroup to develop pathways for advanced manufacturing education. He has served on the University Faculty Research Committee, was selected to participate in the UniverCity Community Leadership Institute inaugural class, and has provided comprehensive contributions to the College's Supply Chain major, from industry participation to student engagement.

Staff Excellence –

Sheri L. Simone

xxx Sheri L. Simone is recognized for her contributions to the success of the College through cooperation with other units, most particularly by mentoring and training two new administrative staff hires while fulfilling her own duties. Sheri’s willingness to answer questions and provide assistance and help when requested contributed to an environment of collaboration that resulted in smooth transitions for the new staff and their respective departments.

2015 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Dr. Erin Makarius

Erin Makarius Dr. Erin Makarius works hard at her craft, with outstanding results. Students identify her as one of the best teachers they have in any subject, as she employs different techniques to help students think critically and creatively about human resources. Perhaps not surprisingly, the art and science of teaching is a special interest. She regularly participates in the Organization Behavior Teaching Conference to share best teaching practices for the field of management and has worked on pedagogical research articles and reviewed for pedagogical society journals.

Research Excellence –

Dr. Christopher Plouffe

Christopher Plouffe Not only does Dr. Christopher Plouffe teach sales courses and is the Director of the Fisher Institute for Professional Selling, he also is an outstanding academic researcher. His work is regularly published in top quality, peer-reviewed journals, and others are noticing his excellent work, as his citation count is approaching 1,000. He consistently demonstrates excellence through the number of research publications, quality of publications, research impact, and conference presentations.

Service Excellence –

Debmalya Mukherjee

Debmalya Mukherjee Dr. Mukherjee is an eager participant in numerous service activities that support and enhance the management discipline, his community, and the classroom. He was selected to participate in the UniverCity program, which links university leaders with local leaders to enhance collaborative efforts with the city of Akron. He regularly reviews for management journals and was selected to the planning committee for the annual Academy of Management Conference, which reaches 12,000 professionals. Community service is realized through classroom engagement via the Management Consulting Project Course. His overall professionalism and academic efforts have brought the CoB significant attention.

Staff Excellence –

Ms. Andrienne Calderon

Andrienne Calderon Andrienne Calderon, M.S., is the intelligent, good-natured, straightforward glue that holds the CoB together. Whether it is her duties in ensuring the physical plant of the CoB building is in shape, or serving as the college advisor to the Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, she demonstrates true leadership by regularly exceeding daily responsibilities to contribute to the success of the CoB. She also is responsible for administering numerous scholarships and maintaining AASCB reports.

2014 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Asoke Dey

Asoke Dey Joining the College of Business in 2008, Dr. Asoke Dey, assistant professor of management, believes teaching to be a reciprocal relationship between an instructor and students. Seeing himself as a mentor, Dey derives immense satisfaction from teaching relevant cutting-edge business topics and employing innovative techniques in teaching that links theory to practice and outcomes. He believes that irrespective of one’s major or career specialization, “business school students need a complete understanding of the supply chain and management issues in today's business.” In his courses, Dey has helped students to develop a deeper understanding of the theoretical foundations that are essential for improving the practice of operations management. Students have commented that he is able to make concepts tie together in a way that made sense and brings relevance to the information with real world examples.

Research Excellence –

John Goodell

John Goodell Dr. John Goodell, assistant professor of finance, has demonstrated both breadth and quality in his research since joining the CoB in 2008. His research interests include cultural finance, gender issues in finance, financial impacts of social capital and trust, law, and finance, emerging markets, pensions, financial architecture, and cost of equity. Goodell consistently demonstrates excellence through the number and quality of his research publications in high quality journals, conference presentations, and involvements in professional organizations, while also serving the academic field of finance through his editorship. In the past two years, Goodell has co-authored ten published or accepted discipline-based articles, nine pedagogical articles, and two book reviews. Two of these articles have been published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, a premier journal in Finance. He is the assistant editor of the Journal of Teaching in International Business, associated editor of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, and has served as a reviewer for various journals.

Service Excellence –

Melinda Newman

Melinda Newman Dr. Melinda Newman, associate professor of finance, joined the CoB faculty in 2000. Throughout her career, she has focused her service contributions to her students and to her department. Since 2004, Newman has served as an advisor to undergraduate honors students majoring in finance. Her leadership responsibilities and participation in various committees, such as the Undergraduate Student Experience Committee, University Honors Council, and University Honors Program Scholarship Recruitment, continue to make significant impacts to departmental, college, and university goals and initiatives. She has served as Director of the Building Bridges Program and continues to be instrumental in helping to place students as interns or in permanent jobs with area firms.

Staff Excellence –

Mary Hardin

Mary Hardin Joining the College of Business's professional staff in 2001 as director of technology, Mary Hardin is no stranger to adapting and developing new solutions to the ever-changing technological needs of the CoB, its students, and constituents. Always having the College's best interests in mind and taking a proactive approach in her responsibilities, she manages the acquisition, installation, configuration and maintenance of all IT equipment within the CoB. In addition to her usual job duties this year, Hardin has been instrumental in overseeing the design and installation of the Business Analytics Lab as well as a significant Website upgrade.

2013 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Linda Orr

Linda Orr Dr. Linda Orr, associate professor of marketing, who joined the CoB in August 2005, is recognized as an outstanding and extremely innovative teacher, particularly in the CoB's sales management program. This is supported by her consistently excellent teaching evaluations, the high job placement rate (nearly 100%) of CoB sales students, and the many awards the sales students have won in national competitions.

Orr is very highly regarded by her students and has played an important mentoring role in shaping many student lives and their future career successes. Students have commented on how much knowledge they have gained from her, not only about the sales field but about business in general. Past students have noted that the skills and sales techniques they have learnt from Orr have been invaluable in their current jobs and will also be of use throughout their sales careers.

In selecting Orr for the award, the selection committee noted that she embodies all the characteristics of an excellent teacher, namely passion, expertise, rigor, going beyond the call of duty, and understanding and adapting to today's challenges.

Research Excellence –

Li Wang

Li Wang Dr. Li Wang, associate professor of accounting, has attained an outstanding record of research and publications since joining the CoB in 2007. She regularly publishes in top journals including Review of Accounting Studies, considered an A+ journal; Journal of Information Systems, the top ranking premier journal in the AIS field; International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, a prestigious journal of high quality; and Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, which is ranked among the top journals in the accounting and finance disciplines. Wang has presented her research at many professional meetings and conferences, and her papers have been cited by other scholars. She currently has working papers that have high potential for publication in top quality journals.

In 2012, Wang was awarded the Dean's Research Quality Award and was also nominated for the Dean's Research Excellence Award. In 2009, she came in second for the Andrews Best Paper Award at the American Accounting Association Ohio Region Conference.

Even as a doctoral student, Wang gained recognition for research excellence, receiving the Best Doctoral Student Manuscript Award in 2004 and again in 2005 at the American Accounting Association Ohio Region Conference.

Service Excellence –

Frederik Beuk

Frederik Beuk Although he has only just completed his second year at The University of Akron, Dr. Frederik Beuk, assistant professor of marketing, has already gained a reputation for outstanding service to his students, the college and the university.

Beuk's accomplishments have made a significant contribution to raising the stature of the CoB's sales management program and the Fisher Institute for Professional Selling. In 2011-12, he coached ten UA students who participated in the World Collegiate Sales Open. After three qualifying rounds, two of the CoB students were among 20 students, out of an original group of 200 from 21 different schools, who advanced to the finals. CoB student, Joshua Woolls, eventually took first place. In 2012-13, Beuk again coached a winner, Brittany Nagy, who took second place in the World Collegiate Sales Open and in the National Collegiate Sales Competition.

In addition to serving as coach for the sales competitions, Beuk also serves as adviser for the college's chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon, the national professional organization for sales, marketing and management. He has played a significant role in re-invigorating the chapter and in, Spring 2013, they placed 2nd in the Top Chapter competition at the organization’s national convention. Beuk also helped the group organize the “Run the Roo 5k” and other events held on the UA campus during the 2012-13 school year.

Staff Excellence –

Danica Houle

Danica Houle Danica Houle, M.A. Danica Houle, senior administrative assistant, who joined the CoB in 2006, is known for her excellent interpersonal skills and cheerful, upbeat demeanor. These attributes not only help to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the CoB Dean's Office, but also enhance the image of the CoB among the many stakeholders with whom she interacts both on and off campus.

Houle is often commended for her outstanding professionalism, competence and commitment to the CoB and the University. She is recognized as a team-player who can be counted on to do whatever is needed to get the job done, and often takes a leading role in planning and organizing college events and activities.

During the past year, Houle was instrumental in pulling together the CoB's formal AACSB Maintenance of Accreditation report, coordinating the visit of the AACSB team, and facilitating the many behind-the-scenes activities related to the visit, while continuing to efficiently manage all her other tasks and responsibilities.

2012 Honorees

For the first time since the establishment of the Excellence Awards, a single individual was selected for both the Research Excellence and the Teaching Excellence awards.

Teaching and Research Excellence -

Debmalya Mukherjee

Debmalya Mukherjee Dr. Debmalya Mukherjee, assistant professor of management, who joined the CoB in Fall 2008, has already gained a reputation as an outstanding researcher. In the past year alone (2011-12), he had six articles published or accepted for publication in top management and international business journals. One of his coauthored papers entitled “Environmental and Firm-Level Influences on Inter-organizational Trust and SME performance” accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Studies, is one of the first research papers to integrate transaction cost and relational advantage theory to understand the nuances of trust and uncertainty in the realm of small and medium size enterprises. Another, “The Impact of Management Capability on the Firm Resource-Performance Relationship: Examining Indian Outsourcing Providers”, accepted for publication in the Journal of World Business, is the first of its kind to examine what resources and capabilities enable emerging market firms to enhance their performance.

In April 2008, Mukherjee's dissertation was one of two selected from among 100 dissertations for the Morton Dissertation Award at The University of Memphis. Chandler Revisited: A Historical Financial Analysis of Chandler's Own Matched and Mismatched Firms, a paper which Mukherjee co-authored with Dr. Kenneth Aupperle, professor of management and Dr. William Acar of Kent State University, received the John F. Mee Outstanding Contribution to Management History award in 2010.

In addition to his outstanding research record, Mukherjee is also acclaimed for his teaching effectiveness. Many students comment on how much they have learnt from him and what a difference his classes have made in their lives. Mukherjee believes that as future business decision makers and strategic leaders, students must understand the dynamics of the current competitive landscape and globally integrated world in which business leaders formulate strategies and manage businesses. The guiding principle of his teaching philosophy is to create a stimulating environment in class through interactive discussion, integration of course material and how it relates to real organizations, and critical thinking.

I believe the most important teaching objective of higher education is to promote critical, evaluative thinking and independence among the students. Instructors need to encourage students to critically evaluate course material to generate new ideas, opinions, and viewpoints that go beyond what is presented in the classroom. My goal is to engage each student as a partner in academic exploration and problem solving through active participation. - Debmalya Mukherjee

Service Excellence –

Alvin Lieberman

Alvin Lieberman Alvin Lieberman, associate professor of accounting and coordinator of taxation studies, has been a dedicated member of the CoB faculty for almost 44 years. His record of outstanding service to the college and the university spans decades. Lieberman founded two highly successful tax conferences which he organizes each year. He has organized the National Tax Conference for 33 years and the International Tax Conference for 10 years. He has cultivated and maintained relationships with many leaders in the community and his work with those contacts has contributed significantly to the CoB's Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program and the Master of Taxation program, which he co-founded. For the past three years, Lieberman has served as coordinator of the first accounting course taken by all CoB students, ensuring that all students have a common learning experience. Lieberman possesses a great wealth of institutional memory that he shares willingly for the benefit of students, faculty and the college. He serves on many CoB and School of Accountancy Committees and, over the years, has represented the college on numerous University Committees.

I consider service to be an important component of the duties of an effective full-time faculty member of the College of Business and during my forty three years of full-time teaching at The University of Akron, I have attempted to do my share. - Alvin Lieberman

Staff Excellence –

Myra Weakland

Myra Weakland Myra Weakland, assistant director of graduate programs in business, joined the CoB in 1992 a few years after graduating from the college with her MBA degree. Weakland has earned a reputation for being a problem solver who is accurate and thorough in her work. She is very customer-oriented and is recognized for her high level of service to CoB graduate students and faculty. Her work with the college's international graduate students has been a major factor in the development of the diversity of the CoB's graduate student body. Weakland is very knowledgeable about the college's graduate programs and the many administrative processes that impact graduate students. She has developed excellent rapport with individuals in the many different departments across campus with which she must cooperate to keep a multitude of processes running smoothly for students and faculty. During the recent major overhaul of the graduate curriculum, Weakland assumed a leadership role in managing the smooth implementation of the many changes and transitions required.

I am honored to be recognized by the college for service excellence. Being open to change, concern for student success and building strong relationships within the CoB and across campus have been keys to my success. I am proud of what our graduate programs team has accomplished in the past few years: an updated MBA curriculum, a Saturday MBA option and rankings in U.S. News and World Report and Bloomberg Businessweek - to name just a few of our achievements. - Myra Weakland

2011 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Deborah Owens

Deborah Owens Dr. Deborah Owens, associate professor of marketing and international business, thoroughly enjoys her time in front of the classroom, where her teaching interests have centered on consumer behavior, marketing research, marketing strategy, and service and applied field-learning experiences. She hopes that students taking her classes will never look at marketing the same again. She strives to take the basic concepts of the field and give students real world examples so that the material not only makes sense, but also entices them to learn more and to seek out their own applications.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with young people during a very impactful time of their lives, when they are making career choices, and other major life decisions. I enjoy watching them discover a passion for marketing, and a gateway to a rewarding career. On a more direct level, I love seeing a student when they have that moment, when the light bulb finally comes on, and the student truly gets excited about working on their marketing project, and is excited about presenting their results. Marketing is everywhere, and I hope to help students view it through a new set of eyes, in the hopes that they can become strategic in their own thinking. - Debbie Owens

Research Excellence –

Akhilesh Chandra

Akhilesh Chandra Dr. Akhilesh Chandra, professor of accounting and director of the Institute for Global Business and the Center for Research & Training in Information Security & Assurance, has had his research published in numerous journals and proceedings. His primary research focus is to understand internal controls, governance and decisions using accounting information. He considers business research a crucial tool in informing the decision process, increasing understanding of accounting's role, and challenging us to consider alternatives for improvement.

Chandra also believes that while the research being conducted within CoB plays an important role in today's business world, the greater impact can — and should — be found in the classroom.

My class is enriched and enlivened many times over as a direct result of my research. I use my understanding of research issues to engage students to be critical, creative and innovative for personal and professional fulfillment, while contributing to their organizations and the society. Specifically, my research allows me to challenge students to identify and define accounting information and its role in every event, ask basic, simple questions, question assumptions and status-quo, examine current approaches, develop and consider alternatives, and understand why and how accounting is the common and most significant denominator in every event. - Akhilesh Chandra

Service Excellence –

William Hauser

William Hauser Dr. William Hauser, associate professor of marketing and director of Suarez Applied Marketing Research Laboratories has, throughout the years, offered his time and expertise not only to the CoB and The University of Akron, but to his community as well.

Within the CoB, Hauser has been the college's representative on the UA Institutional Review Board, an advisor to the SIFE Student Organization, and a member of the CoB Undergraduate Curriculum and Marketing RTP Review committees. At the University level, he has served on the University Park Marketing and Communications Task Force and in an ad hoc advisory capacity to both the Institutional Marketing Department and E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Center. The community has also benefited from Hauser's service as a board member of the Leadership Akron Alumni Association and Victim Assistance Program and as the UA Faculty Representative to the United Way of Summit County's Neighborhood Leadership Development Program.

I feel that it is important to be involved in both the community and at UA, particularly the CoB, because both are integrally intertwined. Serving the community is, in a way, serving the University and vice versa. Hopefully, my involvement in the community positively reflects on the CoB and UA. - Bill Hauser

2010 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

William McHenry

William McHenry Dr. William McHenry, associate professor of management, sees his role as a teacher as much more than simply accumulating knowledge, organizing it, and presenting it to the students. In his classes, he also seeks to coach his students, setting high standards and challenging them to work hard enough to achieve what they are capable of achieving.

One thing I try to do in the classroom is to ignite my students' imagination by bringing them new information about the subject matter through the use of videos and small cases studies, live presentations by executives and experts, and even teleconference links. A second, crucial thing is to model intellectual rigor to the students. Students can read facts from written sources, memorize, and pass quizzes and tests, as long as they have the discipline, but the 21st century demands that we impart to our students critical thinking skills. These are the very skills imparted by Plato and Aristotle, and the reason that education, for all the high tech innovations over the centuries (the book, the blackboard, the computer), still revolves around critical thinking skills that are best imparted by a mentor. Finally, I try to model social justice in my classroom by treating everyone equally. - Bill McHenry

Research Excellence –

Il-Woon Kim

Il-Woon Kim Dr. Il-Woon Kim, professor of accounting and international business and associate director of the Institute for Global Business, is renowned for his research in cost accounting, management accounting, and international accounting. During the past 15 years, he has focused his work primarily on corporate cost accounting practices, not only in the United States, but also in Japan and Korea (target costing), and Germany (consumption accounting), studying process improvements, theory of constraints and throughput accounting, and international comparative analyses of different accounting systems around the world. With the Consortium of Advanced Management – International (CAM-I), Kim has been involved in many research projects on target costing for large companies, such as Boeing, Chrysler, Caterpillar, Timken, Continental Tevis, Mercedes Benz (Germany), Futaba (Japan), Alta Management (Japan), and HyunDai Motor (Korea), the results of which have been published in the CAM-I Research Monograph Series and professional journals.

Just as the business community has benefited from Kim's findings, so have his students. Kim's work outside of the classroom has played a vital role in his teaching.

Much of my research outputs have been directly incorporated into teaching my graduate classes. These outputs are current and relevant, but not available in textbooks. - Il-Woon Kim

Service Excellence –

Thomas Costigan

Thomas Costigan Thomas Costigan joined the CoB faculty in 1997 and, over the years, has served the college in a variety of capacities. He has been a member of the undergraduate curriculum committee, chair of the Department of Finance scholarship committee, and course coordinator for the basic finance course. In addition, Costigan has been a frequent guest speaker in several business classes and has offered seminars on getting started in investments to students and their guests. He has also served as an academic judge for a business plan contest held within the entrepreneurship program.

I enjoy working with and for the students in these varied capacities. My hope is that my work contributes to their business growth. - Tom Costigan

2009 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Emeka Ofobike

Emeka Ofobike Dr. Emeka Ofobike, associate professor of accounting, sees the potential to achieve great success in every student who enters his classroom. He considers it his job to help each of them realize their promise, particularly those students who come to campus less prepared for the rigors of earning a university education. Ofobike empathizes with these students, as he too was probably not as well prepared for college accounting courses as he would have wished. Seeing them rise to the challenge and master the material is one of his greatest joys as a teacher.

I strongly believe that with the right motivation any student can learn. Whether they realize it or not, everyone comes to college with a goal in mind, something they want to accomplish. I try to instill in all of my students that they are here for themselves; not for their instructors or their parents, but for themselves. In the beginning, many students don't recognize their potential. As educators, we need to assure them and give them the incentive to succeed. We need to help them realize the contributions they can make to the world. - Emeka Ofobike

Research Excellence –

Roger Mayer

Widely published, Roger C. Mayer, professor of management, has received numerous accolades for his work as a teacher and researcher. Mayer’s research interests center on organizational trust, employee motivation, decision making, organizational effectiveness and social capital. Mayer believes that faculty research not only plays a vital role in the classroom, as current and pertinent findings augment time honored concepts and theories, but also has an impact on students’ futures long after graduation.

My research focuses my attention on one of the basic building blocks of human interaction — trust. We have found, under rigorous scientific procedures, that trust affects bottom line profits of a business, and that trust in management can be increased. It has led me to write and publish experiential exercises that I use in my classes and which are used at major business schools across the United States and beyond. As my students realize that my research is currently being used in such diverse arenas as improving productivity in U.S. corporations, building trust to under gird economic development in war-torn Afghanistan and helping the U.S. military strengthen its cyber security, it helps them understand that what they are learning is current and important to their careers. - Roger Mayer

Service Excellence –

Pamela Keltyka

Pamela Keltyka Dr. Pamela Keltyka, associate professor of accounting, has been a member of the UA faculty since 1997. Over the years, much of her service to the CoB and UA has centered on the curriculum. She has served as a member of the curriculum committee for the School of Accountancy and chair of the CoB curriculum committee. Keltyka has also been a member of the School of Accountancy Scholarship Committee for several years and has coordinated the annual selection of award recipients. Since 2006, she has served as the faculty adviser for the accounting fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi. Professionally, Keltyka is an active member of the Institute of Management Accountants.

I was caught by surprise when I was selected for this award. It is nice to know your peers appreciate what you are doing. I thoroughly enjoy working with the students as the BAP faculty adviser. It is fun to watch them grow and become leaders of our industry. I love it at The University of Akron. This is where I am supposed to be. - Pam Keltyka

2008 Honorees

Teaching Excellence -

Sharon Kimmell

Sharon Kimmell Dr. Sharon Kimmell, associate professor of accounting, is renowned for her exemplary teaching and service to students and successful use of innovative techniques in the classroom, particularly in online delivery of the financial accounting course in the MBA program. Based on her record as an outstanding teacher, Kimmell was selected as the KPMG Faculty Teaching Fellow in the School of Accountancy. She is highly respected by her students who appreciate their learning experience in her classes and the high standards which she maintains. Kimmell has supervised numerous honors projects for School of Accountancy students. At least one of her students has received a best paper award from the American Accounting Association Ohio Region and another has published a co-authored paper with her.

Research Excellence –

Aigbe Akhigbe

Aigbe Akhigbe Dr. Aigbe Akhigbe, Frederick E. Moyer chair and professor of finance, is recognized worldwide as a research leader and has received many accolades throughout his career. Among his most notable honors, Akhigbe was ranked 6th out of 17,573 finance authors of all time during the past 50 years, in an article written by T. Jalbert, S. Alangar, and N. Young, titled “Additional Evidence on Prolific Authors in Finance Over the Past Half Century,” Advances in Financial Education, Volume 6, Summer 2008. His research interests cover issues ranging from investment processes to corporate finance and the financial services industry.

Service Excellence –

Susan Hanlon, D.B.A.

Susan Hanlon Dr. Susan Hanlon, associate professor of management, joined the CoB faculty in 1990. Throughout her career at UA, Hanlon has played an instrumental role in the development of educational programs within the college. She served as director of the Center for Family Business within the Fitzgerald Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies from 1997 to 2006, and as interim director of the Institute from 1998 to 1999. As chair of the CoB Summer Scholars Awards Committee in 2007-2008, Hanlon helped create the Summer Scholars Program that teams undergraduate Honors students with faculty in research endeavors. Hanlon is also the faculty advisor for the Department of Management Honors Students.