Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.
Providing reasonable accommodations and support like notetakers and alternative test-taking to students with disabilities.
Underrepresented Students Scholarship
Scholarships of up to $3,500 each will be awarded to UA entering Freshmen who have been historically underrepresented.
Inclusive Excellence
We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. We respect and celebrate our differences and invite you to join us!
Education Abroad
Explore your interests with an international experience and opportunities to study, intern, volunteer, and teach abroad. We'll help you get there.
Learning Communities
A group of students who take 2-4 classes together. You do not have to live on campus to be involved. You'll get to know your classmates faster and feel at ease faster than if you were facing a new group of people in each classroom.
International Center
UA welcomes more than 1,000 international students and scholars to our campus from 90 countries. Celebrate the diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions and music of the UA community.