Michael Kulick
Senior Associate Director,
Career Services & Student Employment
Michael Kulick
Senior Associate Director,
Career Services
Office: Student Union, Room 211
Phone: 330-972-6586
Email: mk9@uakron.edu

"I help set the vision and goals for career services throughout campus."
Q: Can students simply drop by, or how would you prefer that they schedule time with you?
A: We highly encourage walk-ins. We now have several locations throughout campus to better assist all UA students.
Q: Discuss the ways you can help students.
A: There’s so much we offer in career services, but my personal favorite is our networking events. Students typically do not have a broad array of networks, and it’s intimidating to put yourself out there in front of an employer. To be part of a team that creates dynamic networking events, as well as educates and builds confidence in our UA students, is really fulfilling.
Q: Why should students use Handshake?
A: It’s a dynamic networking site that provides co-op/internship, part-time and full-time job postings. Students already have an account. They just need to activate it by signing in with their UA email and utilizing their same password as their MyAkron account.
Q: Do you have a Handshake power tip?
A: Complete your profile. Some employers have access to view you. It’s a great networking tool!
Q: What are students surprised to learn that they can do in Handshake?
A: Research employers for student reviews and find contact information.
Q: What's the best tip you have for those writing a resume or cover letter?
A: The majority of students with whom I have worked, typically undersell themselves. Many of us want to be modest, so it can be tough to talk about yourself. There’s a lot of opinions on resumes/cover letters, but speak to your career advisor. I highly encourage students to take advantage of our employer office hours to hear what our employers have to say as well.
Q: What one interview question should students in your area be prepared for?
A: There’s a few questions at the beginning of an interview almost all employers ask. Be ready to talk about yourself in a short concise manner, and why you want to work for this employer. That first impression is very important. If you don’t know yourself or why you want to work for this employer, it’s tough to overcome. Take part in our mock interviews with a career advisor or with an employer during our employer office hours.
What's the best way to prepare for an interview?
A: Practice, practice and more practice. However, review the employer’s website. Review any articles or press releases about the employer. It’s important to do your homework.
Q: How can technology can make a search easier? How has it made searches more challenging?
A: Technology provides easy access to postings and networking opportunities. You still need to network in person and become comfortable communicating outside the world of technology. Employers value soft skills such as communication and this is on display when you network and interview. Attend as many Career Services' networking events as possible, and networking events outside of UA. The more you participate, the more confident you’ll become.
Q: What do you wish you had known when you were searching for your first job after college?
A: I wish I had a better understanding of how to display my soft skills and transferable skills for employers. There are many fantastic opportunities where employers put a high emphasis on these skills.
Q: What is the best career advice you have received?
A: The world of work is always changing, so be flexible, be open and be willing to learn!