University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Headshot of Career Services Assistant Director Dani Pariano.Dani Pariano

Dani Pariano

Career Services

Career Advisor to the College of Health and Human Sciences

Office: Student Union, Room 211
Phone: 330-972-6723

Headshot of Career Services & Student Employment Associate Director Dani Pariano.

"Some of the best career advice I have ever received is to always network and meet people in your field."

Q: Can students simply drop by, or how would you prefer that they schedule time with you?

A: They can e-mail me at or schedule an appointment on Handshake.

Q: Discuss the ways you can help students.

A: Some of the ways I can help students include: Major and career exploration, finding an internship/co-op, finding a part-time job/full-time job, writing resumes/cover letters, improving interviewing skills, and preparing for graduate school.

Q: Why should students use Handshake? Do you have a Handshake power tip? What are students surprised to learn that they can do in Handshake?

A: Handshake is fantastic! It is extremely easy to use and students are always surprised by how many opportunities are posted that they can apply to. I encourage students to activate their profile and upload their resume so that employers can find them, too!

Q: What's the best tip you have for those writing a resume or cover letter? How can you help students prepare both?

A: One of my tips for those writing a resume or a cover letter is to use the job description to your advantage. If you are applying to multiple positions, you might not be submitting the exact same resume or cover letter for all applications. It really helps to use key words and terminology from the job description in your documents. This helps show that you are an ideal candidate and meet the qualifications the employer is looking for.

Q: What's the best way to prepare for an interview? Do you conduct mock interviews with students?

A: Students should be prepared to have questions to ask the employer at the end of an interview. This shows your interest and is an opportunity to learn more about the position. I encourage students to research an employer’s mission and goals. It really impresses employers when they can see you have done your research and have questions about it. The best way to prepare for an interview is to practice with Career Services. We offer mock interviews and can help students strengthen their answers. We also can give advice on what questions to ask employers about the position they are applying to!

Q: What is the best career advice you have received?

A: Some of the best career advice I have ever received is to always network and meet people in your field. Most of the opportunities I have had after graduation have been from internships that I did while I was in school. It is so important to participate in experiential learning because it can lead to great career opportunities in the future.

Q: Why should students attend the next career fair? What's your best advice for preparing? What's a good strategy the day of?

A: The Career Fair is the perfect opportunity to network and give your resume to employers. There are so many opportunities that can happen from talking with different companies. These conversations often lead to interviews. My biggest advice is to stop by Career Services and have your resume reviewed before any Career Fair you attend. It is important to have printed copies ready to distribute on the day of the fair. Career Services can provide you with a folder to use to store your resume copies in!