- The Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology (CCHP) is supported primarily through the financial gifts of visitors, foundations, and other donors. By subscribing to an annual Friends of the Center membership program, you are helping us to:
- Process our vast collection of papers, media, and artifacts
- Employ our small but essential staff of librarians, archivists, and historians
- Employ student assistants and support student internships
- Create and host original public exhibitions
- Provide public programming and digital resources
The CCHP is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. All Membership levels are valid for a one-year period.
Membership Levels

Individual Friend - $50
Includes the following benefits:
- A personalized Friend of the CCHP membership card
- Free admission to the National Museum of Psychology and the Institute galleries for one adult
- One free ticket to the annual Benjamin Lecture
- Personal e-invitations to CCHP events
- Annual CCHP Member Newsletter
- Named recognition in the annual CCHP Member Newsletter
- 10% discount on regularly priced merchandise at the CCHP Museum Store
- Access to virtual events

Student - $25
Includes the following benefits (available to current college and university students):
- A personalized Friend of the CCHP membership card
- Free admission to the National Museum of Psychology and the Institute galleries for one adult
- One free ticket to the annual Benjamin Lecture
- Personal e-invitations to CCHP events
- Annual CCHP Member Newsletter
- Named recognition in the annual CCHP Member Newsletter
- 10% discount on regularly priced merchandise at the CCHP Museum Store
- Access to virtual events

Family - $100
Includes the following benefits:
- A personalized Friend of the CCHP membership card
- Free admission to the National Museum of Psychology and the Institute galleries for two adults and unlimited children under 18 living at the same address
- One free ticket to the annual Benjamin Lecture
- Personal e-invitations to CCHP events
- Annual CCHP Member Newsletter
- Named recognition in the annual CCHP Member Newsletter
- 10% discount on regularly priced merchandise at the CCHP Museum Store
- Access to virtual events

Smithsonian Friend - $70
Includes all of the benefits of an Individual Friend membership, plus the following:
- Smithsonian magazine (one-year subscription, 12 issues)
- A personalized Smithsonian Affiliate branded membership card
- Free admission at Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York City
- 10% discount to Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
- Reciprocal Admission / discount benefits at participating Smithsonian Affiliates
- Additional Smithsonian benefits are subject to change and can be found on Smithsonian.com

Friend PLUS - $100
Includes all of the benefits of an Individual Friend and Smithsonian Friend membership, plus the following:
- Free member admission during regular museum hours to participating NARM institutions (representing over 1,000 cultural institutions across the U.S.)
- Member discounts at museum shops
- Discounts on concert and lecture tickets
- For more information, visit the NARM membership website