University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

On-Campus ACT

  • The On-Campus ACT is accepted only at The University of Akron and cannot be transferred to other universities and colleges.
  • The test cannot be administered during October. 
  • We score the answer sheets so your scores will be available at The University of Akron Office of Admissions within several working days rather than waiting for them to be returned by ACT. 
  • Examinees should contact staff at or 330-972-7084 to schedule
  • Fees may be paid online using a debit or credit card.  
    • On-Campus ACTs can be administered by appointment during CTC Testing Services office hours in Simmons 304 ($65). Students may be scheduled to test in small groups. Scheduling is based on availability of testing space, staff, and scheduling requirements from ACT. 
    • You may choose to schedule a private On-Campus ACT during office hours in Simmons 304 ($155). 
    • Fees are non-refundable.
      • If you scheduled an appointment during office hours, you may reschedule or cancel by contacting or 330-972-7084 up to 2 business days before your appointment. Any refunds must be requested in writing and have proof of cancelation or rescheduling 2 business days in advance of appointment. 
      • If you do not show for the test after registering, you will have to pay the fee again to take the test at a later date. 

Registering for Accommodations for the On-Campus ACT: 

  • For examinees seeking testing with accommodations, you must submit appropriate documentation of your disability no later than one month prior to your intended test date.
  • Documentation guidelines for the University of Akron can be found here:
  • All documentation should be submitted to Dr. Sara Rieder Bennett, Director of Testing and Licensed Psychologist, for review in consultation with the Office of Accessibility. You may send via email (, fax (330-972-5679), or mail (304 Simmons Hall, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, 44325-4303).
  • Be sure to include contact information to follow up with the student or identified contact.
  • Please be aware that process for requesting academic accommodations is separate.  For more information on that process you can visit this website

Testing Services Counseling & Testing Center