University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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Vision, Mission, and Goals

The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education is a learning and teaching community that prepares educational professionals across varied organizations, who are committed to diversity, equity, and excellence, and who conduct, utilize, and critique research through scholarship, leadership collaboration, inclusive education, innovation, and professionalism.

The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education is committed to preparing:

  • Scholars: As demonstrated through the ability to the scholarship of teaching and learning to communicate, transform, and extend the understanding of education.
  • Leaders: As demonstrated through the ability to empower stakeholders across varied organizations in collaborative practices that guide, direct, and improve opportunities for learning and reflective practice.
  • Collaborators: As demonstrated through the ability to establish trust, share responsibility, and use effective communication skills to contribute and exchange ideas, knowledge, and resources to identify and solve problems.
  • Inclusive practitioners: As demonstrated through the ability to research and critically reflect on practice and learner performance, and to serve diverse learners in a variety of social and cultural contexts.
  • Innovators: As demonstrated through the ability to create and adapt content knowledge, technological knowledge, and pedagogical expertise.
  • Professionals: As demonstrated through the ability to apply and facilitate interpersonal communication skills and ethical, reflective, and research-based practice.

Why choose Akron?


The School of Education's Position Statement Supporting Black Lives Matter in Education

School Structure

At a Glance (Spring 2023)

  • Student Scholarships awarded:
    2022-2023: SOE gave out $145,500 in scholarships to 125 students.
    2021-2022: SOE gave out $136,777 in scholarships to 77 students.
  • Candidate Competency at Completion:
    Teacher candidates of LJFF School of Education had over 90% passing rate for initial teacher licensure examination, which is categorized as “effective”.
  • Ability of Completers to be Hired:
    In 2020-2021, one hundred and fifty-four (154) initial teacher education completers received initial teaching license. Eighty-five (85) graduates obtained full time teaching employment in Ohio education system (55%) employment rate within Ohio.
  • Alumni
    With over 39,155 alumni to date, the School of Education is second only to the Buchtel School of Arts & Sciences in total alumni