University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

School of Education Current Students

Mandatory BCI/FBI background check

Any courses that require field hours or student teaching placement will need to get their BCI/FBI background check.

We have partnered with UA's School of Counseling to offer this service on campus, see details.  

School of Education Scholarships


Scholarships are available for incoming freshman, transfer students, and currently enrolled School of Education students!

The application for 2024-2025 LJFF School of Education scholarships will be available for submission between March 1 and March 17, 2024. At that time, the application can be found by scanning the QR code:


Contact Dr. Gary Holliday at if there are further questions.


Project Zips Tutoring Crew

♦ Do you have a drive to help students learn? 

♦ Do you want to help catch students up from  COVID gaps? 

Project Zips Tutoring Crew is hiring math tutors to work with 4th and 5th graders from iPromise School and other Akron Public Schools. 

  • Earn $16 an hour and up to $1000 a semester.
  • Must be available three times a week and have transportation.
  • Nine hours of paid training is included.
  • Tutors are compensated for travel expenses and preparation time. 

For more information, visit the web page or contact Ava Pavkov at  

To register as a tutor, please complete this form: Project Zips Math Tutoring Crew

UA students at the I-Promise School in Akron, Ohio

I PROMISE Teacher Education Learning Communities

The LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education and the I Promise School are partnering to offer a unique learning opportunity for LJFF COE students. Students can choose to join a learning community, block schedule 2-3 courses, and spend extended time at the I Promise School. This “lived-in” teacher education model will provide teacher candidates with an enriched field experience. A learning community is limited to 15 students and registration is controlled.

UA's connection with the I Promise School