University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

School of Education Student Teaching and Field Experience at UA

The Office of Student Teaching and Field Experience

The Office of Student Teaching and Field Experience is responsible for the placement and supervision of UA student teachers in area schools.

Mandatory BCI/FBI background check

Any courses that require field hours or student teaching placement will need to get their BCI/FBI background check.

We have partnered with UA's School of Counseling to offer this service on campus, see details.  

Student Teaching Resources

Student teachers, cooperating teachers, and college supervisors are urged to follow the links within these pages for additional information and materials that will enhance the student teaching experience.

Get TPA Help

University Supervisors & Mentor Teachers

The role of a University Supervisor or Mentor Teacher is critical to the development and success of our students. The following pages are resources that will support you in your role.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:

Office of Student Teaching and Field Experience
The University of Akron
LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education
Zook Hall 238
Akron, OH 44325-4203

Phone: 330-972-6494

Field Experience

All teacher education students are required to participate satisfactorily in clinical and field-based experiences prior to recommendation for licensure for teaching in Ohio.  All placements in field experiences are made by the Office of Student Teaching and Field Experience and assigned by course instructors.

Meet the Staff

Jennifer J. Morgan Jennifer J. Morgan, M. Ed.
Director, Student Teaching and Field Experience
Phone: 330-972-6494

Katie Feudner Catherine (Katie) Feudner
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 330-972-7961