Instructor Institute
Held on the University's main campus in metropolitan Akron, the Summer Institute for International Instructors is a great opportunity for college and grade school instructors to integrate what they know and practice with the latest developments in their fields of study. Organized in themes that match the participants' professional focus and academic disciplines, the Institute brings scholars and researchers with diverse interests and point of view to workshops and lecture series to be delivered in English as professional development for the participants. In addition to the formal learning experience, participants will be living in apartment-style residence halls on the UA campus, immersing in a full American university environment with access to campus facilities such as the library, computer labs, student recreation and wellness center, and the student union. The goal of the Summer Institute is to “enlighten, enrich, and engage”.
COURSE Examples
English to Teaching and Publishing
Delivered as a workshop, this course aims at improving the oral and written communication skills of the participants for more efficient course delivery in English and success in publishing in North American academic journals.
Content-based Instruction and the SIOP Model (subject to change based in background of participants)
Delivered as a workshop, this course introduces the participants to the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model, the only evidence-based and research-validated instructional model within content-based instruction (CBI) that teaches both content knowledge and academic language for them to incorporate into their teaching practice.
1-3:30 p.m.: Course Introduction (One hour for each course with a 30-minute break)
1-3:30 p.m.: Content-Based Teaching and the SIOP Model
Application Flow Chart
- Register and pay registration Fee ($50US; non-refundable)
- Wait for ELI to issue invitation letter to participate
- Pay tuition and fees with proofs of US visa, airplane tickets, and international travel insurance
- Wait for ELI to email with detailed instructions for arrival and departure