University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Akron Community Engaged Scholar [ACES]

The University of Akron ACE Scholars directory for 2023

The title of Akron Community Engaged Scholar is a way to formally affiliate with the EX[L] Center for Community Engaged Learning for those full- or part-time faculty who demonstrate a commitment to public impact by connecting campus and community through their teaching, scholarhsip, and/or significant service.

Who are ACES

ACE Scholars are mindful of best practices, striving to create partnerships based on mutual benefit, reciprocity, authenticity, trust, and equity. They actively support a culture of engagement on campus and contribute to telling UA's community engagement story by being active users of the Collaboratory data system. ACE Scholars are connected by a shared passion, and convene for professional development, to share best practices, to mentor others, and to innovate in community engagement.

The University of Akron ACE Scholars directory for 2023

The University of Akron ACE Scholars directory for 2023

Did you know?

Of 48 academic units at UA, more than half have at least one ACE Scholar and every College is represented. Our cohort includes part-time instructors, non-tenure and tenure-track faculty, staff & contract professionals, and university administrators.

ACE Scholars

Dr. Henry Askley, Department of Biology

Dr. Mehmet Baysal, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Marcia Belcher-Christine, PE, Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Jennifer Bozeka, School of Education

Jordan Brlan, School of Engineering and Polymer Science

Theron Brown, School of Music

Dr. Aimee Budnik, School of Exercise and Nutrition Science

Julie Cajigas, School of Communication

Dr. Kevin Cavicchi, School of Engineering and Polymer Science

Dr. Sydney Chinchanachokchai, Department of Marketing

Dr. David Cohen, Department of Political Science

Juan Eduardo Contreras Barberena, School of Communication

Dr. Sandie Crawford, Office of Inclusion & Equity

Alison Doehring, Zip Assist

Dr. Shanon Donnelly, Department of Geosciences

Melissa Dreisbach, School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Dr. Rebecca Erickson, Department of Sociology

Dr. Amber Ferris, School of Communication

Karen Fitzgerald, MSN, APRN-BC, PMHS, School of Nursing

Tannya Forcone, Department of Anthropology

Dr. Joseph Fox, Department of Management

Dr. Elisa Gargarella, Myers School of Art

Dr. Gary Holliday, School of Education

Drew Ippoliti, Myers School of Art

Dr. Daniela Jauk-Ajamie, C.C.S., Department of Criminal Justice & Sociology

Dr. Jodi Kearns, Institute for Human Science & Culture

Jeff Klemm, College of Business

Matthew Kolodziej, Myers School of Art

Dr. Susan Kushner Benson, School of Education

Brant Lee, J.D., School of Law

Dr. Seungbum Lee, Department of Management

Dr. Nidaa Makki, School of Education

Maeve Marino, RPA, Department of Anthropology

Dr. Timothy Matney, Department of Anthropology

Dr. Andrea Meluch, School of Communication

Dr. Randy Mitchell, Department of Biology

Dr. Barry Mulholland, MBA, CFP, ChFC, Department of Finance

Dr. Jenny Naidu, School of Education

Dr. Stacey Nofziger, Department of Sociology

Dr. Hillary Nunn, Department of English

Dr. Insun Park, Department of Criminal Justice Studies & Sociology

Dr. Robert L. Peralta, Department of Sociology

Myrissa Powell, MSW, LISW, School of Social Work & Family Sciences

Mark Rittenour, J.D., College of Business

Dr. Lara Roketenetz, Department of Biology

Dr. Christine Schneider, Department of Sociology

Dr. Pamela Schulze, School of Social Work & Family Sciences

Dr. Jennifer Stanley, Department of Psychology

Dr. J. Cherie Strachan, Political Science

Dr. Mary Triece, School of Communication

Arnold Tunstall, Myers School of Art

Dr. Gregory Wilson, Department of History

Dr. Sheldon Wrice, Office of Inclusion & Equity

Dr. Matthew Wyszynski, The Williams Honors College & Department of Modern Languages

Stephanie Yuhas, J.D., Department of Criminal Justice

Dr. Baomei Zhao, CFLE, Department of Social Work & Family Sciences

Dr. Julie Zhao, College of Engineering & Polymer Science

Emerging ACE Scholars

Elizabeth Hall, Department of English

Kim Hufgard, Department of Political Science

Andrew Kramer, Department of Anthropology

Dr. Elena Popa, Department of Anthropology