University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Online access through ‘My Akron’

Shortcut: Log in to My Akron in a new window

My Akron is your portal to online services at the University. You can access your Zips email, your Student Account information - and everything in between - once you're logged into My Akron. 

The Student Center of My Akron is where you'll gain access to your finances with the University. The steps below will outline how to get there!

  1. Log into My Akron using the UANet ID sent to you via email from the Office of Admissions. If this is your first time logging in, use the temporary password included in the email. If you need help, contact the IT HelpDesk or 330-972-6888.

    Image of the login to My Akron

  2. Click on the Student Center icon. 

    Screenshot showing where to locate the Student Center within My Akron

  3. Review the options for Financial Aid under the "Finances" heading.


  • "View Financial Aid"
    • Quick summary of the current financial aid awarded to you for the academic year you select (ie. 2019-20 will be displayed as "2020")
  • "Accept/Decline Awards"
    • Take action on the federal student loans offered to you
  • "View My FAFSA Tax Info"
    • Displays the tax information for the selected academic year for students/parents who successfully use the IRS data retrieval tool for their/their parents' financial information on the FAFSA
  • "View My Financial Aid Offer"
    • View an online version of your current financial aid offer. Use the "Print" button at the bottom to reprint your offer for scholarship applications, etc. 

Return to "Next Steps."