University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Class of 2020: This student-athlete ready to dive into career helping others


Jessica Bonezzi is one of the members of the Spring Class of 2020 chosen as a student speaker at commencement. She is graduating with a B.A. in Speech and Hearing Pathology and Audiology, summa cum laude, with certificates in Healthcare Selling and Manual Communication.

Hometown: Wooster, Ohio

High School: Wooster High School

Q: How did you come to choose your major?

A: I chose my major because it perfectly combined my love of science, health care and helping people, and gives me the opportunity to eventually own my own business.

Q: What brought you to The University of Akron?

A: I came to The University of Akron because I was recruited by the swim and dive program and fell in love with the team. I have family history here, my father is an Akron graduate, along with many cousins. I loved the feel of campus, the kindness of the faculty and staff, and the top-notch education, which led to my decision to attend Akron.

Q: What’s next?

A: I will be attending Northeast Ohio Audiology Consortium (NOAC) to earn my Doctorate of Audiology. 

Q: How are you going to spend your time between graduation and what’s next?

A: I plan on living in Akron throughout the summer working as a swim lesson director (state of Covid-19 permitting). I am excited to spend time with my best friends I have made on my swim team before we are off to our respective next steps. 

Q: What college experience contributed the most to your personal growth?

A: Being a member of the swimming program has most definitely been the biggest contributor to my growth in college. I cannot quantify the confidence, work ethic and leadership ability that I have gained as a Division I college athlete. Because of the support and love of my teammates and coaching staff, I found success as a student and an athlete. I could not be more thankful to them and all of the Department of Athletics for the role they played in my personal development. Swimming has been a true joy in my life.

Jessica's remarks to graduates

Q: Biggest surprise about college life?

A: I was surprised at the amount of time I had. I had imagined constant “all-nighters” from loads of work, especially on top of athletics. However, I worked hard to manage my time and thrived in academics, put in a lot of time for athletics, and had plenty left over to enjoy and spend time with my friends. Stay on top of your work and it is not too bad!

Q: Where’s your favorite place on campus? Why?

A: Classes or before practice. I would see teammates, professors, or friends from class and I always love chatting and catching up with a friendly face.

What’s your advice to incoming freshmen? 

A: It is the classic cliche, but I cannot stress enough how fast time flies in college. Branch out, make new friends, find things that interest you, work hard in school and have lots of fun. It will be over before you know it and soon you will be missing it like I am. Enjoy it all!