Class of 2020: A career in accounting adds up for this graduate
Matthew Deibel is one of the members of the Spring Class of 2020 chosen as a student speaker at commencement. He is graduating with a B.S.A. in Accounting, summa cum laude.
Hometown: Mogadore, Ohio
High School: Archbishop Hoban High School
How did you come to choose your major?
I knew I wanted to major in some type of business during high school. My dad works in business and I knew my strengths would align with a business degree. When I was researching the different majors offered by business schools, I was drawn to accounting. The complexity and challenges of accounting really drew my attention. Accounting is the “language of business,” and once I learned how flexible an accounting degree is, I knew I wanted to major in accounting.
What brought you to The University of Akron?
The University of Akron is 10 minutes away from where I grew up, and two minutes away from my high school. Initially during my college search, I overlooked UA because I thought I wanted to go away. My mom is an alumna and insisted I visit campus. Once I stepped foot on campus, I knew UA was the place for me. I felt a community-like atmosphere and knew I would have a unique, personalized experience. The faculty I met with on my visits seemed to truly care, and UA felt like home.
What’s next?
I will be starting with EY (Ernst and Young) shortly after graduation. I will be an auditor in our Financial Services Organization (FSO) based out of the Cleveland, Ohio office. FSO means that I specialize in auditing banks, insurance companies, hedge funds and private equity companies. I interned at EY during my junior year and am excited to rejoin the firm.
Q: How are you going to spend your time between graduation and what’s next?
A: Studying for the Certified Public Accountant exams! I have a few months before starting with EY so hopefully I can pass all four sections of the CPA exam before I start working. I am also hoping to golf this summer and am looking forward to reuniting with friends once everything opens back up.
Q: What college experience contributed the most to your personal growth?
A: Karaoke in the Honors Complex Common Room during a hall Christmas party during my freshman year. I am an absolutely horrendous singer, but I was peer-pressured to kick off karaoke by friends that knew it would be funny. It is by far the most embarrassing thing I have ever done, but that experience got me out of my comfort zone and made me realize that it is okay to make a fool of yourself to have fun.
Matthew's remarks to graduates
Q: Where’s your favorite place on campus? Why?
A: The Rec Center! I have spent way more time there than I would like to admit. There is so much to do, and I have met hundreds of people while working out and playing pickup basketball and futsal. Some of my favorite memories are from playing pickup and intramural basketball and futsal games over the years. It is an amazing building with so much to do and a great place to meet people. It is also my favorite stop on campus tours, because getting to see how excited the prospective students get when they see the facility is a highlight from the tour guide perspective.
Q: If you had an internship or co-op, what did you get out of it?
A: I interned at EY (Ernst and Young) during my junior year. I took the spring semester of 2019 off to intern full-time. I loved my internship experience. The real-world experience was a great complement to what I was learning in the classroom. I helped audit multiple Fortune 500 companies, which was a very stressful yet thrilling experience. I learned a lot on the job working with some amazing teams and I am very excited to rejoin EY after graduation.
Q: What’s your advice to incoming freshmen?
A: Take advantage of unique opportunities and do not be scared about pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. Definitely make a point to get to know professors and administrators. The faculty loves student interaction. Our talented faculty chooses to work in higher education because of their desire to interact with students. Finally, enjoy your college experience! I’m sure you’ve heard numerous times that it goes fast, but your college career will fly by so enjoy it and remember to have fun!