University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.


Class of 2019: This business grad will soon be doing the hiring

Sara Caris will be the student speaker at the Spring Commencement ceremony on Friday, May 10, at 6 p.m. She is graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management, summa cum laude.

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Ohio

High School: Otsego High School

How did you come to choose your major?

I participated in a job interview contest in high school, and loved it! I wanted to find a career where I could use those same skills, and that is how I found HR.

What brought you to The University of Akron?

Human Resource Management is not offered as an undergraduate major in every business school, so that definitely narrowed down my options. When researching business schools in Ohio, I discovered how great of a program UA has. Once I visited campus, I was sold; I knew I wanted to be a Zip.

What’s next?

After graduation, I will be working as a Human Resources Specialist at Hirzel’s Canning Corp. in Northwood, Ohio.

Q: How are you going to spend your time between graduation and what’s next?

A: Following graduation, my best friend and I will be spending two and a half weeks exploring Europe! We will be visiting Florence, Rome, Athens and Paris. This will be my first time traveling abroad, and I am excited to visit the historical monuments and to experience European culture.

Q: What college experience contributed the most to your personal growth?

A: When I was a freshman, I participated in the Emerging Leaders Living-Learning Community, and few things have contributed to my personal growth as much as that experience. The leadership development events I participated in through the Emerging Leaders Program built my confidence by pushing me outside of my comfort zone. I stayed involved with this program all four years, and I know I am a better, and more well-rounded person because of it.

Q: Favorite campus activity?

A: I always love supporting the Zips, but I particularly love cheering on the men’s soccer team! It is hard to beat the comradery of the student section at one of their games. While I loved every time the men beat a Big 10 team, no experience compares to flying to Santa Barbara to watch the team play in this year’s College Cup! It was incredible to see the number of alumni and fans that traveled across the country to support the Zips! 

Q: Did you have an internship? What did you get out of it?

A: This past summer I interned with the Human Resources Department at Playhouse Square. I was able to take part in several HR functional areas during my time at Playhouse Square, and I loved the team I worked with. Everyone was very open to making sure I experienced as much as possible during my internship. I was able to see firsthand how important employee engagement events are, and how they bring a workplace together. I am extremely grateful for my time at Playhouse Square. 

Q: What’s your advice to incoming freshmen?

A: Get involved outside of your major. While it is important to join organizations that will assist in your professional development, it is equally important to get to know the rest of campus. I met some of my best friends by joining organizations outside of my major and college. It is also important to get to know the city of Akron. There are so many cool places to explore within five minutes of campus. Getting to know the city of Akron is a critical part of the Akron Experience.