University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

A group of students gathered in front of a museum exhibition

Certificate Programs at the Institute

Undergraduate Certificates | Graduate Certificates | All Courses

For-credit, hands-on humanities, from novice to professional.

What can you do to make the most of a humanities degree? The Institute for Human Science and Culture offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate certificates for University of Akron students to experience practical, hands-on applications for their humanities degree. Learn about arts and culture on campus, gain advanced field knowledge and skills for work in cultural institutions, and explore administration and scholarship with this scaffolding series of interdisciplinary programs.

Each certificate program listed below can be taken individually, or in succession over the course of a student's undergraduate and graduate education. For questions, please contact Dr. Jodi Kearns at

Undergraduate Certificates

Museums and Archives Studies Certificate #140001C

Listed in the Directory of Archival Education of the Society of American Archivists

Advanced undergraduate program. Since 2015, this 18 credit-hour undergraduate certificate has been preparing students for work in museum and archives professions and for graduate study in these areas. Two core courses are team taught by UA instructors and practitioners. Electives are drawn from students’ major departments. A final capstone course provides a practicum experience working with professionals at a local museum or archives.

For more information on course requirements and electives, see the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Campus Arts and Culture Certificate #140005C

Introductory program. This certificate provides a structured introduction to the robust arts and culture organizations on The University of Akron campus. Students visit cultural institutions on campus, attend performances, and speak to UA practitioners and faculty. The certificate has one required core course with 4 electives from multidisciplinary arts and culture classes. Most electives are selected from the list of General Education classes, so that students can earn this specialized certificate in their college career.

Appropriate for first year students, students in College Credit Plus, early college, and non-degree seeking community members.

For more information on course requirements and electives, see the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Graduate Certificates

Public Humanities Certificate #140003GC

Listed in the Directory of Archival Education of the Society of American Archivists

Hands-on graduate program. This interdisciplinary graduate certificate program provides opportunities for students who are interested in pursuing a public engagement element to their education at the graduate level.

Based in the Institute for Human Science and Culture, the Certificate offers transferable, hands-on skills applicable to a wide range of professions, providing students experience in presenting their scholarly research in public settings. These experiences offer background for those interested in work in fields such as Digital Humanities, museums and education, heritage preservation, public history, communications, community arts programming, and arts and nonprofit management. The Public Humanities Certificate program can be integrated into several graduate degree programs, including History, English, and Arts Administration.

Two required 3-credit core courses, nine thematic and methodological electives, and an embedded Capstone project comprise the certificate. See the Graduate Bulletin for more information.

All Courses

The Institute offers a variety of courses that can be taken independent of a full certificate program.

Undergraduate Courses

  • IHSC:100 Exploring Campus Arts & Culture (General Education - Humanities); Offered Fall and Spring Semesters, Annually
  • IHSC:201 Curating Exhibits and Displays in Museums & Archives; Offered Fall Semester, Biannually
  • IHSC:301 Foundations of Museums and Archives I; Offered Fall Semester, Annually
  • IHSC:302 Foundations of Museums and Archives II; Offered Spring Semester, Annually
  • IHSC:425 Practical Experience in Museums & Archives; Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters Upon Request
  • IHSC:445 Special Topics in Human Science & Culture; Offered Occasionally in Fall and Spring Semesters

For full course descriptions, visit the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Graduate Courses

  • IHSC:501 Foundations of Museums and Archives, I; Offered Fall Semester, Annually
  • IHSC:502 Foundations of Museums and Archives, II; Offered Spring Semester, Annually
  • IHSC:545 Special Topics in Human Science & Culture; Offered Occasionally in Fall and Spring Semesters

For full course descriptions, visit the Graduate Bulletin.