University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

First Year Roo To-Do Checklist

As a New Roo, we know you are eager to start classes this upcoming semester. Until that time comes, there are a few things we like to ensure you do and explore as a part of your New Roo Experience.

Review your Roo To-Do List and check off your tasks and experiences as you complete them before the first day of class.

Keep an eye on your UA email for important information on your New Roo Experience. It’s helpful to get in the habit of checking your UA email at least once a week so you don’t miss important information and reminders. If you need help getting your account set up, contact our IT Help Desk at 330-972-6888.

Download Checklist

Before Class Registration

You should have received a confirmation email to all registered email accounts with two dates – your New Roo Advising date and New Roo Orientation Day. If you did not receive this email and have paid the confirmation fee, please contact us via email or by phone at 330-972-2622. If there is a conflict with the date you received and need to reschedule, please contact us through the same methods as well.

Please note - for our Fall 2024 first-year students, this information begins going out on February 14, 2024 and then regularly thereafter.

Ensure the major listed in your confirmation email is correct. An incorrect major could impact your scheduled date. If it is incorrect, please log in to your Akron portal, navigate to the Update App tab, and select "Request to Change Major." If your advising and/or orientation date(s) need to change, we will be in touch within one business day.

Did you receive information about completing a placement test? Please visit the placement testing page for more information and to answer your questions.

If you were admitted to The University of Akron without submitting your test score (test optional), and you’ve taken the ACT or SAT, you’re encouraged to submit your test score at this time. This information will help your academic advisor place you in the appropriate first-year courses. Submitting your scores will not change your admission status.

Please email your test score to or ask your high school counselor to submit them on your behalf.

Ensure you can log into your MyAkron account for computer related tasks. Please contact Computer Support if you need assistance prior to.

Within 2 weeks of receiving your confirmation email, you will receive a welcome email from your college with further instructions preparing for your New Roo Advising for class registration.

PNC is on campus. For your convenience, PNC has an electronic office located in the Jean Hower Taber Student Union, 4 ATMs located throughout campus and 15 ATMs within a two mile radius of campus. There is a full-service PNC branch near campus at 153 East Exchange Street.

For additional information or if you need to apply for a bank account before school begins, please contact PNC Bank in a way that works best for you.

  1. In-person or virtual branch appointments
  2. Find PNC for UA online here:

Before New Roo Orientation

For more information about getting your Zip Card (your university ID) and how to submit your photo for approval, visit Zip Card.  You will receive your Zip Card on your reserved New Roo Orientation Day.

Keep an eye on your UA email for reminders and important details 2 weeks out from your reserved New Roo Orientation Day on campus.

Before the First Day of Class

Consider some opportunities that you can use to get a head start on your UA experience:

  • Unlock Akron

Meet New Roos while exploring the City of Akron. Check out this summer’s events.

  • First-Year Forefront

Sign up to be paired with a Forefront Mentor your first year! Fill out the form and tell us a little about you.

  • Know the Code Workshop

A required workshop for all new freshmen covering information you need to be an educated member of your campus community. Early August, you will receive instructions and workshop details via email.

  • RSVP for New Roo Weekend

New Roo Weekend is in August! An RSVP post card and email will be sent to you in early August, so be on the lookout!

  • New Roo Convocation

You’ll be welcomed by faculty, staff, and distinguished speakers – while being introduced to some of UA’s traditions. At convocation, you will receive your Zippy pin as you begin your Akron Experience. Reception to follow.

Please be aware your bill will be posted to your My Akron account. You can view your bill by visiting your Student Center. Make sure you log onto My Akron to pay it by the due date. Click here to check due dates for the upcoming semester.

Have a question? Contact Student Accounts for assistance.

If you need to speak with Student Financial Aid, they are in Simmons Hall 202. For more information, please visit Financial Aid.

A great way to get involved, meet people, and earn money at the same time! Learn more!

Please update your Release of Confidential Information form if there is anyone with whom you would like to share information regarding academic advising, financial aid, student accounts, or academic records (among others). You can access this form by logging in to your My Akron account, selecting your Student Center, and then selecting the Release Confidential Info link in the Personal Information section.

Keep yourself up to date on semester start dates, add/drop dates, University holidays, registration dates, and graduation deadlines by viewing the academic calendar before the start of each semester.

Make sure you download the UA Mobile App before the start of classes!

Are you interested in being connected with the Office of Accessibility? The Office of Accessibility provides reasonable accommodations and a supportive, well-resourced environment to students with disabilities in order to promote student success in the university environment. It is important to connect with office early on to start the process for support and accommodations. Students are encouraged to start that process by May, or three months prior to the first day of your first semester. Though students may start the registration process at any time, delaying the start of the registration process could prevent students from scheduling an Intake, and having an accommodation plan prior to the start of the semester. To start the registration process visit our Accessibility website

Have questions?

Check out the New Roo Experience FAQs. If you have further questions or concerns contact our office by phone, text or email below.