University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Frequently Asked Questions — First-Year Students

Placement Testing

In the absence of ACT/SAT scores, placement testing is required prior to course registration. Placement test scores assist your academic advisor in determining which course(s) you have the highest chance of success.

You can find information on how to complete each test here.

We use placement testing to help determine the right course for you in a course sequence. Your ACT/SAT scores and choice of major determine your placement testing requirements.

No, placement tests are not pass/fail. Rather, the score received helps your advisor place you into the course in which you have the best chance of success.

Retesting is approved by your academic advisor. Retests must be taken on campus in a proctored environment.

Course Registration and New Roo Advising

Your academic advisor helps you make informed decisions that will assist you in achieving your personal, educational, and career goals. Your advisor helps you with course registration, major exploration, and many other areas to help you build a successful UA experience.

You will register for classes with your academic advisor during New Roo Advising. Please note that class registration does not occur during the New Roo Orientation program.

The advising hold will remain on your account until you meet with your academic advisor. During that meeting, you will register for courses and the hold will come off.

Yes! Placement tests allow your advisor to place you into appropriate courses and need to be completed before your advising appointment.

To request a new advising date, please log in to your Akron portal! You can quickly request a new date on your Orientation tab. We will get back to you within one business day with your new date or any follow-up questions.

New Roo Orientation (NRO)

New Roo Orientation is a fun and engaging day on campus filled with information and opportunities to make connections. You can check out a sample student schedule here.

The transition to college can be a time of great excitement but can also be disorienting. You are leaving a familiar high school routine and learning a new campus, meeting new people, and possibly living on your own for the first time. New Roo Orientation is designed to ensure all students and their families/guests are welcomed, comfortable in their transitions, connected to campus resources, and confident in their academic schedules before beginning their first semester at UA.

When you check in, we will provide you with a bag full of information and a pen to jot down notes! There is time provided at the end of the program if you need to turn in any UA paperwork anywhere on campus.

While not required, we highly recommend bringing:

  • Comfortable shoes - orientation is all about helping you get acclimated to campus, so you will be walking around a lot!
  • An umbrella if the forecast calls for rain - orientation is a rain or shine event.
  • Layers - buildings can be a little warm or cold depending on the temperature outside.
  • Water bottle - we have several refilling stations available around campus.

Parents and family members are not required to attend NRO. We love to see guests in attendance if they feel the information would be beneficial, though! Find out more here.

Check out some helpful tips here.

Shortly after you register for classes, you will receive an email from the Zip Card Office with instructions on how to upload your Zip Card picture. If you upload your picture at least one week prior to NRO, we will have you Zip Card for you at the program! If you haven’t registered for classes when you attend NRO, you will get your Zip Card at move in if you’re living on campus. If you are commuting, you can stop by the Zip Card Office in Simmons Hall to pick it up.

To request a new orientation date, please log in to your Akron portal! You can quickly request a new date on your Orientation tab. We will get back to you within one business day with your new date or any follow-up questions.

Have more questions?

See all New Roo Experience FAQs. If you have further questions or concerns contact our office by phone, text or email below.