University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

The Three-year Action Plan

Updated November 2019

Related: Affirming Our Promises – Strategic Planning Process

Three-Year Action Plans

Having completed two data-driven University-wide reviews of current offerings and operations – Academic Program Review and Administrative Activities Review – UA established its plan for the next three years, outlining the important decisions and actions needed to help the University be distinctive in a crowded, competitive higher education landscape.

This plan is designed to:

  • align University resources to build on notable areas of strength, 
  • increase revenue by attracting more students to those areas, 
  • prioritize areas of investment, and
  • control expenditures throughout the University.

The process for developing these plans (the University-wide plan and the plans from the colleges and units) was comprehensive and inclusive, guided by the Three-Year Action Plan Steering Committee drawn from throughout the University.

In conjunction with the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning, the following “Unifying Statement” was developed from the UA mission statement to establish an overall framework for the planning effort:

We are an urban research university committed to developing knowledgeable, open-minded, and productive members of an increasingly diverse society who will be life-long learners. Building on our strengths, we provide a transformative education to students, complemented by cutting-edge research and innovative engagement with the public and private sectors.

Four priorities guide the Action Plan:

  1. Increase Success of Our Students
    Provide high quality instruction, opportunities for career preparation, and excellent support services to achieve steady and timely academic progress toward graduation.
  2. Emphasize Academic Distinctiveness
    Offer in-demand degree programs and those that make UA distinctive; conduct high-quality, focused research in specific areas of strength; and, engage with the community in driving the economic development of the region through strong public-private partnerships.
  3. Generate Additional Revenue
    Increase student recruitment and persistence to degree, fundraising, research grants with limited or no University subsidy and additional external auxiliary funding.
  4. Continue to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness
    Operate academic, academic support and auxiliary units as effectively and efficiently as possible, including possible outsourcing of some operational functions, and ensure efficient delivery of courses and degree programs through more effective scheduling, academic administration and unit reorganization.