University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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Fitness floor

Our fitness floor policies have the intent of minimizing risk when using our facility, maximizing the lifespan of our equipment, and fostering a welcoming environment to all of our patrons.

Cardio and strength areas

  • Use equipment at your own risk.
  • Clothing or personal belongings must be placed in lockers or cubbies. To help prevent equipment theft and tripping hazards, gym bags are not permitted on the Fitness Floor.
  • Appropriate attire as established by the SRWS is required.
  • Exercising or weight lifting is prohibited in any walkways.
  • Music in SRWS facilities plays at a set station and volume. Patrons are not allowed to bring in portable external devices to play music.  Personal music is limited to headphone use only and should not be audible to others.
  • Proper use of equipment is required. Improper use includes but is not limited to: standing on equipment or weights, stacking weights under equipment, hanging upside down from equipment, and top loading. Please ask SRWS staff for assistance on proper use if you are not familiar with equipment.
  • Improper use of resistance bands is prohibited:
    • Wrapping around sharp equipment edges (e.g. around bottom of weight benches);
    • Overstretching beyond manufacturer limits;
    • Tying knots.
  • Wipe down all cardiovascular (rails, seats, control boards, etc.) or strength (pads, handles, etc.) equipment when finished using the provided towels and cleaning supplies. Spray into cleaning towel and never directly on equipment. Please be aware of your proximity to others when using the spray bottle.
  • Use of Personal Trainers and/or instructors, whether being compensated or not, who are not SRWS employees is prohibited. This policy is to reduce risk of injury to members and ensure trainers/instructors are covered by liability insurance.
  • SRWS has the right to limit or prohibit exercises/activities performed by patrons that are seen as hazardous or high risk to themselves or others, this includes but is not limited to:
    • Usage of novel fitness and/or recreation equipment not provided/approved by SRWS
    • Performing dangerous or disruptive activities that may cause harm, injury or damage to SRWS patrons and facilities
    • Utilizing SRWS equipment and/or recreation space for a purpose other than what it was designed for
    • Final judgment on what constitutes a violation of policy will be at the discretion of SRWS staff.

TV Station Policies

  • TVs will be set to primary stations during peak hours (Mon-Fri, 4-7pm) and will not be changed.
  • Members may ask a SRWS staff member to change the channel to any station listed for designated TV. The SRWS staff member will check with other users in the area to ensure they are not going to be disturbed by the channel change.
  • Members may not try to persuade or pressure other members into changing the channel.
  • During special times, such as March Madness or College Football Bowl Games, some variety of TVs may change to other categories.
  • Use of personal television (TV) remotes to control SRWS TVs is prohibited. Please ask SRWS staff to change TV to appropriate station.