University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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Membership and access

Information about SRWS membership is available online or in the Information Office. Please contact 330-972-6199 for information and/or an application.

  • Participation in any area of the SRWC is at the user's own risk. The appropriate SRWC Facility Release waiver must be completed prior to initial facility use for each patron.
  • SRWS strongly recommends that each individual have a medical examination and physician approval prior to engaging in any activity sponsored by SRWS.
  • All individuals entering the SRWC for usage are required to maintain an active membership or purchase a guest pass.
  • All members must present either a valid Zip Card or SRWS Membership Card at the front desk to obtain access to SRWS facilities. A valid ID must be presented at each time of entry, even if re-entering the facility on the same day.
  • ID's in the possession of someone other than the rightful owner will be confiscated and membership privileges will immediately be modified, suspended or revoked.
  • SRWS staff reserves the right to request additional positive photo identification of students and members at any time. Note that Zip Cards are the property of the University of Akron and must be shown or surrendered to University officials upon request. For more information see the Zip Card Accounts Disclosure Statement .
  • Non-members who wish to purchase a guest pass must show a valid photo ID and complete an informed consent form. Guest passes are available to anyone 18 or older or children accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • One parent or guardian is recommended for every 4 children using the facility. Same-room supervision is required for children under 16. No day care facilities are available.
  • SRWS staff reserves the right to refuse admittance or to request individuals to leave the facility.
  • All individuals are expected to leave the facility by posted closing times. Note that all regular pool activities end 10 minutes before the posted closing time.
  • All individuals must enter and exit the SRWC and ONAT through the designated main entrances. Other exits are for emergency use only.
  • Service animals that are properly identified are permitted in the facility. All other animals or pets are prohibited.
  • Personal Care Assistants are eligible to access SRWS facilities in order to aid someone in their workout.