University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Student Biographical Information - Student Identity

How to Update Your Preferred Biographical Information

The Office of the University Registrar is working diligently with Information Technology Services to provide the ability to update you preferred biographical information in MyAkron. This functionality is expected to be available to all students in the near future. In the meantime, please complete the Preferred Biographical Information Update form and submit it, along with a copy of legal identification, to the Office of the University Registrar. Submission options are outlined at the bottom of the form.

How to Update Your Diploma Name

Until the ability to update your diploma name is available in MyAkron, please submit a request from your university email account to the Office of the University at

How to Update Your Legal Name or Sex Marker

The University of Akron is required to record and maintain your legal name and sex marker for federal and state reporting and various forms of official communication and documentation, as outlined in the following policy text. To update your legal name or sex marker, please complete the Legal Biographical Information Update form and submit it, along with a copy of official documentation, to the Office of the University Registrar. Submission options are outlined at the bottom of the form. Legal name and sex marker may not be updated in MyAkron.


The University of Akron is committed to fostering an environment of inclusiveness and supporting students’ preferred form of self-identification. This policy provides definitions for and uses of names, pronouns, sex markers, and gender identities recorded for students.

A “student” is herein defined to mean any person who is receiving or has received instruction at The University of Akron, as detailed in University Rule 3359-11-08.

Name Types

I. Legal Name

Students are required to provide their legal name on the application for admission. After enrollment, students may process official name changes or corrections with the university registrar. A change of legal name requires an official document or court order verifying the correct information at the time the request is made. One of the following documents may be submitted for verification of the legal name change:

  • valid passport (required for international students in non-immigrant status),
  • court order,
  • divorce decree (the appropriate page of the decree),
  • marriage certificate,
  • valid driver's license,
  • valid federal or state-issued identification card.

When only one word is provided for the legal name, the information will be stored in a system’s last name field with the standardized designation of 'FNU' (first name unknown) stored in the first name field.

II. Diploma Name

Students may provide abbreviated variations of their legal name when they apply for graduation. The name appearing on a student's diploma may be different from the legal name only with these options:

  • first name or initial,
  • including or excluding the middle name or initial.

First and middle names may not be lengthened (i.e., expanding an initial to a full name) for a diploma name without also updating the legal name.

III. Preferred Name

After enrollment, students may record or change their preferred first name with the university registrar. The university reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it is used inappropriately or for misrepresentation. The Vice President for Student Affairs has final authority for determining an appropriate preferred name.

Use of Names

A history of all name types recorded with The University of Akron is retained by the university registrar.

I. Legal Name

Legal name will be used as follows:

  • reporting to state and federal agencies,
  • transcripts,
  • financial aid documents and processes,
  • ZipCard (legal name is printed on the front and back sides of the card; if a preferred name is recorded with the university registrar, the preferred name is printed on the front side of the card instead of the legal name),
  • enrollment and degree verification processes,
  • transfer and external credit processes,
  • official lists of students made available to the public or for communicating with "the parents or guardians of”,
  • other records where the legal name is required by law or university policy.

II. Diploma Name

Diploma name will be used as follows:

  • diploma,
  • commencement program.

III. Preferred Name

Preferred name will be used in lieu of legal name as follows:

  • when it is not necessary for the legal name to be used,
  • across university systems, where legally acceptable,
  • ZipCard (if a preferred name is recorded with the university registrar, the preferred name is printed on the front side of the card instead of the legal name).

Faculty, staff, and students are expected to facilitate the use of preferred name.


Students may identify their preferred pronouns by completing the Preferred Biographical Information Update form and submitting it, along with a copy of legal identification, to the Office of the University Registrar. Options include:

  • she/her/hers/herself,
  • he/him/his/himself,
  • they/them/their/themselves,
  • ze/hir/hirs/hirself,
  • ze/zem/zir/zirself,
  • ey/em/eir/eirself,
  • xe/xem/xyrs/xemself.

Faculty, staff, and students are expected to facilitate the use of preferred pronouns.

Sex Markers

The University of Akron records the sex marker provided by students on the application for admission as part of students’ biographical information. The sex marker is intended to be the sex recorded on the birth certificate, valid driver’s license, federal or state-issued identification card, or valid passport. The University of Akron recognizes female, male, and intersex sex markers.

Gender Identities

Gender identity is how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. Gender identity can be the same or different than their sex assigned at birth. Students may identify their gender identity by completing the Preferred Biographical Information Update form and submitting it, along with a copy of legal identification, to the Office of the University Registrar. The University of Akron recognizes:

  • female,
  • male,
  • agender,
  • bigender,
  • non-binary,
  • polygender,
  • genderfluid.


Should you have questions about this policy or how to update your biographical information, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at (330) 972-8300 or