University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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Student Retention & Success

Plan & Goals

The updated Retention and Completion Plan was approved by the Board in June of 2022 and has been submitted to the state. Its goals were developed after examining both UA's student profiles and barriers to persistence and completion by UA students. A copy of this plan can be found here. Download the Plan (PDF)

The faculty and staff at The University of Akron value student development and academic success above all other goals. As a metropolitan university, Akron is experiencing many of the challenges that higher education faces today, particularly for public institutions that are inclusive in nature.

Recognizing the diverse study body profile of UA, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University has set forth aggressive and realistic goals.  For 2022-24, the University is setting new goals, including to:

  • Enhance student support services and early alert initiatives to respond to students needing resources including crisis response and financial literacy
  • Develop and implement a college-centered academic advising model 
  • Design and launch programs that support degree progress that respond to broad preparedness levels
  • Develop student engagement activities to address student connections, countering feelings of isolation, and supportive mental health
  • Increase efficiency in degree completion
  • Address the needs of underrepresented students
  • Tailor the Akron Experience first-year seminar course to meet college-specific programs
  • Assess course delivery, best practices, and opportunities as a result of COVID-19
  • Expand experiential learning and research opportunities to all undergraduate programs. 

Known Barriers

At the onset of the 2020 retention and competition plan, the impact of COVID-19 on student success variables was still unknown. While UA has successfully deployed several successful initiatives, the institution will continue to recognize and address the impact of the pandemic on persistence. The following items have been acknowledged as hurdles currently facing students in higher education.

  • Financial hardship
  • Academic preparedness
  • Enrollment

Seeing Results

95% placement rate for 2021 graduates

The University of Akron provides students with well-rounded experiences, from internships, co-op and job preparation to experiential learning opportunities and campus employment, our Zips are building skills that make them marketable and ready to take on real-world challenges.

See the details

Developing Holistic Wellness Support

Many of the barriers facing UA students are parallel to those of college students throughout the nation. Powered by retention analytics, UA has developed a unique structure of student support which includes adult persistence efforts, emergency grants, early alert and intervention strategies, basic needs support and persistence grants.

Workforce Development Priorities

Many of the barriers facing UA students are parallel to those of college students throughout the nation. Powered by retention analytics, UA has developed a unique structure of student support which includes adult persistence efforts, emergency grants, early alert and intervention strategies, basic needs support and persistence grants. 

Retention and Completion Statistics

See the charts

If you have questions about the University’s retention efforts, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

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