University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.



General travel information and requirements

University-sponsored international and domestic travel restrictions are in effect until further notice. In general, travel is permitted under the following circumstances:

  • Academic or student organization necessity to engage in field or other mandated curricular or approved activities where travel is local. Facial covering during travel is required.
  • Academic necessity to engage in field or other mandated curricular or co-curricular activities within the United States when participants use private, single person transport to and from the destination. Car-pooling is discouraged.
  • University-sanctioned athletics, club sport and student-organization competition travel having pre- and post-testing associated with an approved travel safety plan where designated as appropriate below.
  • Travel to local community service projects is permitted. Participants must follow UA COVID-19 safety policies and should adhere to any additional protocols required by the host site.
  • Academic recruiting, other business, or research travel approved by the responsible Dean or VP.

Note for student organizations

  • Recognized student organizations wishing to travel will need to register their travel with the Student Organization Resource Center (SOuRCe), Office of Club Sports, or the School of Law. Contact a representative from the respective office with questions.

Policy details for domestic travel: print policy

Shorter travels (measured by distance and time)

Group travel within 8 hours driving distance and having two or less overnight stays:

  1. Submit a travel request to the appropriate department Chair/Director authorized to approve your academic-related travel.
  2. Complete the corresponding Emergency Contact and Travel Waiver documents.
  3. For travel for registered student organizations, the University recommends that each traveler have a COVID-19 test within 48-hours of the planned departure, regardless of the vaccination status.
  4. For academic travel or travel where University employees are required to travel with the group traveling, all travelers are required to have a Covid-19 test within 48-hours of the planned departure, regardless of the vaccination status. The traveler is not permitted to travel if the test is positive.
  5. All travelers are recommended to wear a mask over your nose and mouth in indoor areas of public transportation (including airplanes) and indoors in U.S. transportation hubs (including airports).
  6. Travelers should not travel if they are sick, tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t ended isolation, had close contact with a person with COVID-19 and haven’t ended quarantine, or are waiting for results of a COVID-19 test.
  7. Travelers should have the contact information of a University official to provide vaccination status if needed for exposure or potential quarantine.
  8. Travelers are responsible for understanding the requirements set by the local area being visited since these will likely reflect any current health orders in that respective state or city.
  9. Receive Department Chair/Director approval for the travel plans.

Longer travels (measured by distance and time)

Travel MORE than 8 hours driving distance or with three or more overnight stays:

  1. For registered student organizations, all travelers are required to have a Covid-19 test within 48-hours of the planned departure, regardless of the vaccination status. The traveler is not permitted to travel if the test is positive.
  2. All of the above, except for the modification for registered student organizations in 1. above.
  3. Provide a written plan to your SOURCE/Chair/Director/University Official indicating provisions to be taken if an unexpected sickness arises, or a Covid-19 positive test result while travelling for isolation or quarantine per CDC and University guidelines. This plan should also identify a location where a Covid-19 test can be completed while travelling, and the link to plans and/or requirements set by local health authorities that govern actions related to positive Covid-19 findings.

Note: The University generally will not pay for quarantine periods required by destination cities or states. The traveler may be responsible for any additional travel costs outside of the approved travel.

Additionally, we strongly encourage students, faculty and staff to reconsider any personal domestic travel to highly impacted areas within the United States.

International travel

Additional information for those traveling internationally

Faculty, staff , administrators, and individual students who have been approved by the relevant dean or vice president for international travel in support of University business must follow the Travel Registry process and the Travel Guidance on this page.

  • Student organization travel abroad and participation in education abroad are approved through different processes. Contact Kirstin Polen de Campi, or visit the Study Abroad site for more information concerning student travel requirements.
Revision date 7/12/2022. These policies will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.