University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Alcohol and Other Drug Policies


The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations provides requirements for Institutions of Higher Education to follow in order to continue receiving funds and any other form of financial assistance. The Secretary of Education oversees monitoring, administration, and discipline of the policy, but each Institution of Higher Education must oversee their own efforts and compliance in order to avoid disciplinary action and to best support their students. The University of Akron recognizes the issue of drug abuse, misuse, and dependency concerns and continues to work to address these concerns. The University of Akron is concerned with the quality of life on campus and believes that a rewarding college experience and fulfilling employment in higher education can only be achieved through the elimination of chemical abuses. The University of Akron has implemented prevention programs and written policies focused on preventing alcohol and other drug abuse and the distribution of illicit drugs by Akron students. For employees, new employees are given a copy of the BOT Rule #3359-47-02 Drug-free workplace policy. Inpatient and outpatient substance use disorder treatment is covered under The University of Akron’s medical plans available to full-time employees. Access to counseling and resources are also available through the Employee Assistance Program. Additional information is available to employees via the safety website.


Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

  1. Full DFSCA 2018-2020 report on the Alcohol and Other Drug Policies

Code of Student Conduct

  1. Alcohol and Other Drugs: Specifically, D9 and D10

Alcoholic Beverages

  1. Payment from University Accounts: Specifically,
    1. When alcohol is involved with any event, such an event should be managed with common sense and due care. As a general rule, alcohol cannot be charged against any university fund. However, in certain circumstances, alcohol purchases for business-related purposes (i.e., business meals or university events) may be justified.
    2. These alcohol purchases must be charged to discretionary funds and must have documented approval (i.e., signature or direct e-mail) of the president, vice president, or dean. Discretionary funds are funds held by the University of Akron foundation and/or the University of Akron research foundation with only a broad restriction that they be used to benefit the University of Akron or that particular area within the university. The supervisor's approval certifies that the funds being used have been designated a discretionary fund by the donor.
    3. Amounts expended from discretionary funds for the purchase of alcohol must be reasonable. For purposes of this rule, "reasonable" is defined as no more than twenty-five dollars per person, excluding taxes and tip.
    4. Alcohol purchased for resale by areas with liquor permits or for medical or other research use is not subject to this rule. Reimbursement or payment for the costs of alcoholic beverages on sponsored projects is prohibited.
  2. Sale, Serving, and Consumption


  1. Gameday tailgating

Alcoholic Beverages and Substance Abuse

  1. University Housing: Specifically,
    1. Alcoholic beverages. Maturity must be exercised with the use of alcohol to avoid damage and to maintain order and an appropriate environment for study. Regulations regarding alcoholic beverages are always subject to immediate change in federal/state law or University Rules and policy. The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is permissible in student rooms, provided that: The Ohio Revised Code regarding the possession and consumption of various alcoholic beverages is strictly followed. In accordance with Ohio law and University Rules, no student under the age of 21 may possess or consume beverages containing alcohol. The consumption of alcoholic beverages takes place inside a resident’s room; not in public areas, including but not limited to hallways, lounges, balconies, or outside buildings on University property. No alcoholic beverages or containers of any type are allowed in the rooms, bedrooms, apartments or common areas of residents who are not of legal age (21). Students under the legal age may not be present where alcohol is being consumed. Beer kegs or beer balls are not permitted in the residence halls. “Monuments” to alcohol consumption, in public view, are not permitted. Monuments would include but not limited to: empty alcohol containers such as plastic or glass bottles, kegs, pouches, cardboard boxes that held alcohol cans or bottles, and bottle tops from glass alcohol bottles. Incidents involving excessive quantities (beer bongs, beer pong, and other drinking games, etc.) of alcohol or continued alcohol violations are prohibited. The possession, use, manufacture or sale of illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia by students and/or their guests are not permitted in the residence halls. Students believed to have violated this policy will be referred to the Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards for adjudication as outlined by the Code of Student Conduct.
    2. Smoke and tobacco free campus. What’s out: The use of products that contain tobacco or nicotine, that is intended for human consumption, or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, vaped, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved or ingested by any means including electronic devices. Exceptions are in place for controlled research or for educational, clinical or smoking-cessation programs. Who’s affected: All on campus, including (but not limited to) faculty, staff, students, visitors, vendors, consultants, contractors or volunteers. Locations affected: The use of tobacco products is prohibited on all University grounds, whether leased or owned and in vehicles parked on university grounds, and at all university sponsored events, regardless of the venue. To remain good neighbors with our community, students and employees of the University are requested to refrain from tobacco use on sidewalks and other areas adjacent to university property.
    3. Smoke and vapor free residence halls. All University residence halls are smoke/vapor-free environments. Residents and their guests are not permitted to burn any substance that will put smoke into the private or public spaces of their residence halls or balconies. Residents and their guests are not permitted to use any device that will put vapor into the private or public spaces of the residence halls. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Examples of items that are not acceptable include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, e-cig, vapes, vape pens, hookahs, e-hookahs, cigars, incense, cigarillos, bongs, or smoke machines.

Guidelines for Student Organization, Fraternity and Sorority Use of Alcohol

  1. Those who arrive at the event and appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will be denied admission by UAPD.
  2. All student organizations are required to follow the University Alcohol Policy, as set forth in University Rule 3359-47-01 in addition to all state and local laws regarding to the possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Alcohol cannot be purchased on University VISA Cards and therefore cannot come from a student organization’s SAF/UAF/EAF account(s).
  4. The Alcohol Policy of University Catering is as follows.
    1. All prices are set forth by University Catering and are subject to change.
    2. It is the practice of University Catering to have one available bartender for every 100 guests.
    3. Alcohol service ends no later than 11:45pm.
    4. All alcohol is poured over ice and “shots” will not be served.
    5. Alcohol must be carried away from the bar before being consumed.
    6. Guests ordering drinks at the bar may not be served more than two drinks at a time.
    7. Bartenders have the authority to refuse to serve anyone who is obviously intoxicated.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Alcohol and Drug Policies

  1. Can be requested through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at 330-972-7909 or email:

Athletic Department Alcohol and Other Drug Use Policy

  1. Athletic department

Financial Aid Drug Conviction Policy

  1. According to the information on a student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid, if the student either answered “yes” to Question 23 (“Have you ever been convicted of possessing or selling illegal drugs”) or the student left the question blank, the student needs to complete the Drug Offense Conviction worksheet and return it to the Office of Student Financial Aid before the office can determine the student’s financial aid eligibility.

Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

  1. Reporting protocols for students
  2. Reporting protocols for faculty