University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Title IX at The University of Akron

Do you need help? Help for sexual misconduct.

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities. Title IX provides: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Sexual harassment (which includes sexual violence and assault) is a form of sex discrimination and therefore a violation of Title IX. Specific behaviors that are prohibited by Title IX include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity; stalking; and relationship violence that is gender-based. Title IX also prohibits discrimination of pregnant and parenting students. Many behaviors that violate Title IX also constitute crimes. Title IX provides for the equitable treatment of all individuals at the University, including in admissions, grading of student coursework, and in athletics.

Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX Policy & Protocol

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Non-Discrimination Statement

Title IX leadership at The University of Akron

To ensure compliance with Title IX and other federal and state civil rights laws, the University has a designated University Title IX Coordinator. The coordinator is charged with monitoring compliance with Title IX and ensuring that reports of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence are investigated and addressed by the University.

Any student, faculty or staff member with questions or concerns about the applicable University policies or who believes that he or she has been the victim of sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence is encouraged to contact The University of Akron's Title IX Coordinator.

Services and support for branch campuses are integrated. Students attending classes at branch campuses including The Wayne College and the Medina County University Center are provided the same support and resources as all University of Akron students and are welcome to seek services at whichever location is most convenient.

Title IX team

Interim Title IX Coordinator
Mike Strong, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
Student Union, Room 152

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
Jacqueline Fausnight, Assistant Dean of Students
Student Union, Room 152

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Regional Campuses
Gordon Holly, Assistant Dean of Student Success
Wayne Campus, Boyer HPE Building, Room E242

Deputy Title IX Coordinators for Athletics
Jacklin Wallgren, Senior Associate Athletic Director Instructional Services
InfoCision Stadium 269

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees
Emily Lenke, Director Employee and Labor Relations
Administrative Services Building, Room 125E

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Law School
Andrew Costigan, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
McDowell Law Center 106


Investigators for Student Concerns
Dale Adams, Jr.
Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards
Simmons Hall 302

Tiffany Sukys
Coordinator of Student Conduct and Community Standards
Simmons Hall 302

Jesse Redwine
Coordinator of Student Conduct & Community Standards
Simmons Hall 302

Susan White
Associate Director, Student Conduct & Community Standards
Simmons Hall 302

Investigator for Employee Concerns
Tami Hannon
Director, EEO/AA
Administrative Services Building, 138

Kelsea Homer
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Specialist Sr.
Administrative Services Building, 138

Police Investigator
Angela Paonessa
Captain, University Police Department
Physical Facilities Op Center

Hearing officers

Dr. Toni Bisconti
Associate Professor of Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences 341

Carolyn Dessin
Professor of Law
McDowell Law Center 241

Willa Gibson
Professor of Law
McDowell Law Center 316

James Gilbride
Assistant Chief University Police
Superior Building Station 2

John Matejkovic
Professor, College of Business Administration, Retired

Michael Szczukowski
Director Materials Handling
Administrative Services Building 68