University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Cuyahoga County Admissions Counselors

Albert Einstein Academy 
Bard Early College HS
Bay HS
Beachwood HS
Beaumont School
Bedford HS
Benedictine HS
Berea-Midpark HS
Brecksville-Broadview Heights HS
Brooklyn HS
Campus International HS 
Chagrin Falls HS 
Charles F Brush HS
Cleveland Central Catholic HS 
Cleveland Early College HS
Cleveland Heights HS 
Cleveland HS for the Digital Arts 
Cleveland HS of Architecture & Design 
Cleveland HS of Science & Medicine
Cleveland HS of the Arts
Collinwood HS
Cuyahoga Heights HS 
Davis Aerospace & Maritime HS 
Design Lab Early College HS 
East Tech HS/New Tech East HS 
Euclid HS 
Facing History New Tech HS 
Fairview HS 
Frederick Douglass Reclamation HS 
Garfield Heights HS
Garrett Morgan HS 
Garrett Morgan School of Engineering & Innovation 
Garrett Morgan School of Leadership & Innovation
Gilmour Academy 
Ginn Academy 
Glenville HS 
Hathaway Brown School 
Holy Name HS 
Horizon Science Academy 
Independence HS 
International Newcomers Academy 
Invictus HS 
James F Rhodes HS 
Jane Addams HS 
John Adams HS/John Adams College & Career Academy 
John F Kennedy HS 
John Hay HS 
John Marshall HS 
John Marshall School of Business & Civic Leadership L
John Marshall School of Engineering 
John Marshall School of Information Technology 
Lake Erie International HS 
Lakewood HS 
Lincoln West HS 
Lincoln West School of Global Studies 
Lincoln West School of Science & Health 
Lutheran East HS 
Lutheran West HS 
Magnificat HS 
Maple Heights HS 
Max S Hayes HS
Mayfield HS
Mc2 Stem HS 
New Tech West HS 
Normandy HS
North Olmsted HS 
North Royalton HS
Northeast Ohio College Prep School 
Olmsted Falls HS 
Orange HS 
Padua Franciscan HS 
Parma HS 
Promise Academy 
Rhodes College & Career Academy 
Rhodes School of Environmental Studies 
Richmond Heights HS 
Shaker Heights HS 
Shaw HS 
Solon HS 
St. Edward HS 
St. Ignatius HS 
St. Joseph Academy 
St. Martin de Porres HS 
Strongsville HS 
The Lyceum School 
The School of One 
Trinity HS 
Valley Forge HS 
Villa Angela St. Joseph HS 
Warrensville Heights HS 
Washington Park Environmental HS 
Westlake HS
Whitney Young HS