University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Hospital employees who earned a bachelor's in healthcare administration

Allied Health Care Administration

Contact Person

Dr. Kristine N. Kraft
(330) 972-6516

Are you interested in a leadership role in healthcare? 

The University of Akron's Bachelor of Science in Allied Healthcare Administration is the ideal degree for students new to healthcare and to those who are interested in advancing their careers.

Allied Health Care Administration managers work closely with clinical and administrative staff as they process, analyze and report information vital to the delivery of health care. Through our program, students will gain knowledge and experience in both the clinical and business sides of health care.

Why UA's School of Allied Health? 

    • Day and evening classes for enrollment flexibility.
    • Online options for easy access and degree completion.
    • Hands-on learning facilities located near campus.
    • Mentoring by knowledgeable and fully licensed faculty.
    • Multiple degree completion pathways.
    • Transfer students are welcome; reach out to see how your credits apply to the degree. 

Follow this sample course sequence plan to stay on track and graduate on time. 

Enhance your Healthcare Administration degree with one of these complementary programs:

Strong hiring predicted

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment in this field will increase 28 percent from 2022 to 2032—much faster than the average for all occupations.

Career Options in Allied Healthcare Administration

The Allied Healthcare Administration degree can be customized to match your specific career objectives.  There are alternate pathways for those just starting their career in healthcare, as well as specialized studies for individuals who are looking to advance their current healthcare careers.   Your path of study can be molded to help you achieve your educational and career goals.

This degree is flexible enough to offer four different career pathways: 


You can train to properly report medical conditions, using the HIPAA-mandated code sets, for purposes of payment, epidemiologic study, and public health purposes of payment and research.   This pathway offers the opportunity to prepare for one of the national coding certification exams.  Many coders work remotely for healthcare organizations and governmental agencies.  Certified coders are in high demand. 


You can customize your degree to focus on your career as a health care manager. This degree can qualify you to work as a hospital department or unit manager or outpatient provider practice administrator.

Information Technology

Healthcare information technology has been a rapidly growing field since the implementation of electronic health record systems (EHR’s) in the past decade.  You can plan a course of study that combines health care classes with other IT electives to obtain certifications in information security and other related technical certificates.

Advanced Degrees

Your degree can serve as a launch pad to other advanced degree programs.  The most common advanced degree options related to this program would be studying to become a Physician Assistant, a Doctorate in Healthcare Administration, or obtaining a Master of Business Administration.  The University of Akron offers an accelerated route to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Juris Doctorate, and Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Discuss your individual career goals with the Program Director and Academic Advisor to develop your personalized educational plan. 

In addition to focused classroom and clinical learning, after successfully completing the UA Bachelor of Allied Health Administration program, graduates will be eligible to take two (2) national board certifications:


Certified Professional Coder (CPC®) national certification exam
2233 South Presidents Drive, Suite #F
Salt Lake City, UT  84120
(800) 622-2633


Certified Coding Specialist - Physician-based (CCS-P®) national certification examination
233 North Michigan Avenue, 21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
(800) 335-5535


Take the first step: Apply for admission