University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Careers in Anthropology

Contact the department student adviser for information on pursuing a major or minor in Anthropology, or a Field Certificate in Archaeology.

Dr. Patricia Connelly
Olin Hall 243

What can I do with a degree in Anthropology?

The answer is: almost anything! The skills gained through an anthropology degree transfer well to any career that involves critical thinking, and analyzing human behavior and the human condition from multiple perspectives. A good place to begin researching the value of a degree in anthropology is through the American Anthropological Association. This professional organization has links to such areas as careers, professional development, publications, and involvement in public policy and advocacy issues. This is Anthropology is a site that defines anthropology and expands the search on how to become an anthropologist,necessary skills, career prospects, and required education. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook projects a growth rate of 10 to 19 percent for anthropologists and archaeologists with a master's degree. Respondents to an American Anthropological Association survey describe their careers with a degree in anthropology. Click American Anthropological Association describes careers in Anthropology to view the list. Other links for Anthropology career information:; Miami Ohio; Practicing Anthropology

What can I do with a minor in Classical Studies?

A minor in Classical Studies provides a foundation in the liberal arts which values knowledge for its own sake, and the development of skills and abilities that can be applied to all fields of endeavor. Our minors are prepared not only to enter the field of classics, but also to enter a wide variety of other disciplines and professions including history, political science, drama, philosophy, law, medicine, pharmacy, banking, architecture, business, museum work, and library science.

What can I do with a certificate in Archaeology?

An archaeology certificate provides the necessary field experience for students interested in digging through the past to help define our future. Archaeology is often combined with anthropology. In fact, many of the majors in the Dept. of Anthropology and Classical Studies also earn the Archaeology Certificate. You can further explore this fascinating field and its career opport unities by researching beginning with these links:

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