University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Academics in Myers School of Art

Experience professional-level instruction and inspiration from faculty with broad expertise in the study, creation and exhibition of art.

Points of Distinction

  1. Dynamic: Vibrant Art + Design School focused on interdisciplinary undergraduate education.
  2. Engaged: Myers faculty have international reputations as artists, designers and scholars.
  3. Community: Myers art and design students build camaraderie in an open, accepting environment with the support and encouragement of their fellow students, faculty and staff.
  4. Urban: The University of Akron celebrates its close ties to the lively arts scene in the city of Akron, where the arts and culture represent a $1.4 billion industry.
  5. Experiential Learning: Myers students work with stellar visiting artists and benefit from extensive domestic and international travel.
  6. Value: Generous scholarships and grants provide a private school experience at the cost of a public education.

Undergraduate degrees

An undergraduate art major works at a light table.Art majors

Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA) 

Degrees in the following areas:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Art Studio with minor

The Bachelor of Arts Studio is an interdisciplinary, liberal arts degree, in which students are permitted to self-design the required suite of 42 studio electives around their interests in varying media within the School of Art.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Art Education with P, K-12 Visual Arts Licensure

Prepare to become a future educator, professional decision maker, and leader in the field of art education. The degree leads to multi-age licensure in visual arts.


Portfolio Review Days

For high school seniors and juniors, we hold Portfolio Review Days during the fall and spring semesters. It's your opportunity to have your portfolio reviewed for scholarship consideration.

DID YOU KNOW: Art majors are also eligible for other University scholarships.