University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Alumni Band

Each fall The University of Akron Bands welcomes all Alumni of “Ohio’s Pride,” The University of Akron Marching Band for the annual Homecoming festivities. Members of the band rehearse with the Akron Zips Marching Band in the morning before the game and then perform during pre-game and half-time with the Akron Zips Marching Band.

100th Anniversary of Homecoming at UA is Oct. 7th

Hope to see you all on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023 - GO ZIPS!

Sign up online now to perform on game-day


Alumni Band members who perform on the field will NOT need a ticket for entry into the stadium on game-day, but all other non-performing Alumni Band and family members will need tickets.

Purchase your tickets here

The link above should already have applied the discounted ticket price. If you need to add in the promo code use HC23 for the prices below:

  • $10 - General Admission (only seated on the east side)
  • $15 - Reserved Admission (on the west side)
    • NOTE: Sit on the west side to see the band show
  • To purchase tickets by phone contact the UA Ticket Office at 330-972-6982

Special thanks to our friends in the Department of Athletics.

Tentative schedule for the Alumni Band weekend 2023

Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023

7:30 p.m. Guzzetta Recital Hall UA Wind Symphony - Gala Concert
*Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Epsilon Iota (TBS) and Zeta Omicron (KKPsi) Chapters at The University of Akron
  • Featuring performances of works commissioned by KKPsi / TBS through the Intercollegiate Band Commissioning project and individual chapters.
  • The concert will conclude with the premiere performance of Uplift ("We Rise Together") by Kevin Day 

Friday, Oct. 6, 2023

Time Location Event Required / Optional
TBA a.m. Local Golf Course (TBA) Alumni Band Golf Outing (TBA) Optional
4:10 - 6 p.m. InfoCision Stadium 2023 UAMB Rehearsal Optional
6:30 p.m.

Missing Falls Brewery
540 South Main Street
Suite 112
Akron, OH 44311

Alumni Band Social / Dinner Optional

Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023

The University of Akron Marching Band ALUMNI BAND
The University of Akron Zips vs. Northern Illinois (Kick-Off 3:30 p.m.)

Khaki Slacks & Tennis Shoes & Blue Akron Alumni T-Shirt
(Order a Long-Sleeve T-Shirt in the Confirmation Form - see below) 
NOTE: If you have an "Akron Alumni" Shirt from previous years
you do not need to order a new one this year

Time Location Event Required / Optional
9 a.m. Guzzetta Atrium Alumni Band Registration Park in Lot 27 (across from Guzzetta OR
Lot 26 (North Parking Deck)
No permit needed
9:30 a.m. Guzzetta Recital Hall Alumni Band Music Rehearsal begins Required
10:30 a.m. InfoCision Stadium 2023 UAMB Rehearsal Begins / Alumni Band walks to InfoCision Stadium Required
11:30 a.m. InfoCision Stadium Alumni Band joins 2023 Band on field for rehearsal Required
12:30 p.m. InfoCision Stadium Rehearsal Ends / Photo Ops Required
12:40 p.m. Lots 8 & 10

Food Truck & Cash Bar

2:00 p.m. Coleman Common/Buchtel Hall UA Marching Band Pre-Game Concert – Alumni Welcome! (Play Alma Mater / Blue and Gold) Optional
2:30 p.m. Coleman Common/Buchtel Hall March to InfoCision Stadium Carroll - Spicer - Lot 10
UAMB Performs in Lot 10 at Alumni Tents
3 p.m. InfoCision Stadium Alumni Band Members planning to perform at PreGame meet on East Access Rd behind Visitor side to gain entry to the field. Required
3:13 p.m. InfoCision Stadium Pre-Game Performance on field Required
3:32 p.m. InfoCision Stadium Kick-Off Required
InfoCision Stadium

Seating during game – Section 103 with the UA Marching Band
Overflow Seating - Section 101

1st & 2nd Qtr Section 103 Join 2023 UAMB in the Stands! Required
Halftime InfoCision Stadium UAMB and Alumni Band perform on the field Required
3rd & 4th Qtr Section 103 Join 2023 UAMB in the Stands or depart as needed Required
End of Game Guzzetta Atrium Meet UA Band Staff to return Equipment / Flip Folder
(if staying to the end of the game)

We will be scheduling a Virtual Alumni Band Social Event in January 2024