University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Paying for Graduate School

Tuition and Fees

To see the current tuition rates and fees for graduate students, visit the Office of Student Accounts page.

Teaching Assistantships

The College of Business has a limited number of partial Teaching Assistantships (TA) available on a competitive basis for the academic year. These awards are typically offered in the fall semester for the upcoming academic year. Therefore, we do not typically have opportunities in the spring. To qualify, students must be fully admitted, must enroll full-time in a College of Business graduate program and be available to work 10 hours per week. International students whose native language is not English, must have an IELTS speaking score of 7.0 or higher or a TOEFL speaking score of 23 or above. No other form of English proficiency can satisfy this requirement. Prospective students must have submitted their application to be eligible and must be admitted to their degree prior to the award offer. The link to apply will be available on the College of Business Graduate Programs webpage when applications are being accepted, typically early January through March.


Each year, the College of Business awards more than 100 graduate and undergraduate scholarships to both current and incoming CoB students.

Financial Aid

Learn about the many sources of financial aid and work-study opportunities available to all UA students through the University's Office of Student Financial Aid.

Student Employment, Internships, and Federal Work Study Program

Career Services and Student Employment can help students with both on and off campus opportunities. International students are limited to on-campus employment, unless they participate in an internship/co-op program. International students must be eligible for CPT (Curricular Practical Training) and receive authorization from the International Office before beginning an off campus internship/co-op. For more information contact

Federal College Work Study funding is available to Graduate Students. You should file a FAFSA form and check with The University of Akron Student Financial Aid Office for more information or look up at eligibility information.