University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Information for Departments

AP Policies

  • ACH is the preferred method of payment.   Electronic payments will be processed daily whereas checks may be processed once a week.
  • When creating a Spend Authorization – It is recommended that this form is to be completed prior to incurring any travel expense. Actual expenses for reimbursement are to be submitted using Create Expense Report as soon as possible after travel.
  • The Expense Report instructions will be listed on the screen when you Create Expense Report.

Please review our Expense Report Policy here:
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact Accounts Payable.  

Top Tips for successfully submitting your expense report and avoiding reimbursement delays:

  • Payment Elections must be made before submitting an expense report.
  • An itemized receipt is required for all expenses.
  • Business Meals are to be listed separately and must include a business purpose, list of attendees and external party needed. 

The  below instructions will be listed on the screen when you Create Supplier Invoice Request.

The CAP-06-01 Guidelines have been revised. The guidelines identify what payments can be made without processing a requisition through Purchasing. Please reference the document to determine if your purchase/invoice can be paid by using a Pcard or a "create supplier invoice". See link CAP-06-01
Please note items that you may not be aware of that can be paid direct:

  • Memberships
  • Subscriptions
  • Invoices under $1,000 that cannot be paid using a Pcard
  • Low dollar Professional Service, under $1,000

Helpful Links:

How to Purchase (for Faculty and Staff - on the Purchasing website)

Workday Accounts Payable job aids and the Workday quick payment reference guides

Located under Expenses & Purchasing are Accounts Payable job aids:

  • Workday Payments Quick Reference Guide
  • Create Supplier Request
  • Create Supplier Invoice Request
  • Create Expense Report and Spend Authorization

Once here – you could click on Workday within the path “Documents > Job Aids > Workday > Expenses & Purchasing”  and that will take you back to a list of all Workday jobs.  You could filter under course to get other department’s job aids.

For Inquiries:

Travel questions please email or

Status of Invoice payments – the initiator of the requisition or purchase will be able to view the status through Workday.  If you need assistance, please email

Status of Expense payments – My Expense Reports will show if reimbursement has been paid in Workday.   If you need assistance, please email

Create Expense Report questions– please email

Create Supplier Invoice Request questions– please email

Create Supplier Request questions – please email