Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.
All classes and labs are canceled.
Book an advising appointment
Career Services Liaison for students returning from Education Abroad
Connect with the Career Services to learn the best way to highlight your education abroad experience on your resume and while talking with potential employers.
Mike Kulick, Career Services
mk9@uakron.edu | 330-972-6586
Financial Aid questions regarding Education Abroad
Kat Vasko, Student Financial Aid
wieland@uakron.edu | 330-972-6473
Gilman International Scholarship Program Advisor
Kirstin Polen de Campi, Modern Languages
kep11@uakron.edu | 330-972-7487
Military Benefits and Education Abroad
Mary Rossett, Military Services Center
rossetm@uakron.edu | 330-972-7382
Transfer Credit - submitting Education Abroad transcripts
Denise Wilson, International Center
intltransfer@uakron.edu | 330-972-6546