University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Co-op Career Fairs Student Information


Fall 2024 Career Fair

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Jean Hower Taber Student Union Ballroom and 2nd Floor

Ready to advance toward your future career? Don’t miss the Fall 2024 CEPS Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Computing Career Fair!

  • Connect with leading companies actively seeking talent in your field of study.
  • Explore your co-op or full-time options.
  • Acquire valuable advice and perspectives on the job market from seasoned industry experts.

Save the date and join us!

Additional Resources for Students

The six simple steps below will help ensure you are prepared to make the most of your experience before, during, and after the Career Fair.

  1. Update your resume.
    • Employers receive numerous resumes at career fairs. Make sure your resume stands out and is one that makes a lasting impression.
    • Be sure to list your full availability on your resume!
    • Bring at least 30-40 copies of your resume to the fair and have a digital copy available to share with companies who request this.
    • Want a second opinion? Come to walk-in hours (Tuesdays from 10 AM – 12 PM) to review your resume with one of our staff members. If that time isn’t convenient, you can always schedule an appointment.
  2. Update your Handshake profile.
    • Make sure your profile is up-to-date and set to Public so that employers will be able to find you.
    • Upload a current copy of your resume.
  3. Prepare and practice your elevator pitch.
    • Prepare a 30-60 second introduction of yourself that conveys your unique skills, abilities, and what you can offer to the company. The purpose is to highlight your strengths and what sets you apart from others.
    • State your name, major, year in school, one or two skills or accomplishments, the type of positions you are seeking, and your availability.
    • Practice, practice, practice! The goal is to sound confident and engaging without sounding rehearsed.
    • For additional information on how to create and elevator pitch, please click here. Note, you will need to log into Handshake to view this resource.
    • Attend the Career Fair Prep workshops hosted by the Co-op and Placement office to learn more about preparing your elevator pitch.
  4. Research companies that interest you.
    • You won’t have time to meet with every employer at the fair that is hiring for your major, so decide ahead of time which companies to prioritize.
    • Use the map that is given to you when you pre-registered to determine where they are located and what openings they currently have.
    • Do your homework! Learn about the companies and organizations attending the fair and what skill sets they are hiring for. All companies, and their websites, are listed on the Career Fair page in Handshake.
    • Ask good questions based on your research.
  5. Dress to impress.
    • First impressions are important. Dress professionally in business attire which may include: a dress shirt or blouse, tie, suit jacket, dress pants or skirt, dress, and dress shoes.
    • If needed, you can borrow a professional suit jacket from the Career Closet in the Student Union, 211 for FREE!
    • Clothes should be neat, clean, and wrinkle free.
    • Students are not permitted to wear jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, tennis shoes, etc.
    • It’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed!
    • For additional information on how to dress to impress, please click here. Note, you will need to log into Handshake to view this resource.
  6. Follow up after the fair.
    • During the fair, ask for a business card from the employer or the best way to follow-up with them.
    • Send a thank you email within 48 hours of the fair. Include where you met them (as employers attend many career fairs each semester), mention something unique about your conversation, and express your appreciation for their time. You can also attach your resume to the email.
    • Attend Information Sessions through the Co-op and Placement office that are hosted by employers to learn more about what they are looking for when they are hiring.
  1. Who can attend the Career Fair?
    • The Career Fair is open to all undergraduate, graduate, and alumni of the College of Engineering and Polymer Science.
    • We encourage first-year students to also attend to begin exploring options for co-op and internship opportunities and to network with employers. As such, some companies do offer opportunities to students in the summer after their first year.
  2. Do I need to pre-register to attend the Career Fair?
    • It is strongly encouraged that students pre-register for the fair. Doing so provides you with a pre-printed, color-coded nametag as well as the map and listing of all companies attending.
    • If you do not pre-register, you may do same-day registration starting at 9 AM on the 2nd Floor of the Student Union.
    • You cannot re-use past name tags for the Career Fair as the color-coding will be changing.
  3. What should I bring to the Career Fair?
    • You should bring 30-40 copies of your resume, a professional folder or padfolio with a pen to carry your resume and any notes from your research on the attending organizations.
    • You should also have your phone in case you need to provide a digital copy of your resume to an employer or scan a QR code to apply to their postings.
  4. What should I NOT bring to the Career Fair?
    • Do not bring a coat or backpack with you to the Career Fair. But if you do, you will be able to leave these items in the Student Union in Room 316.
  5. Where can I find a list of companies attending the Career Fair?
  6. Do I need to attend the Career Fair for the entire time?
    • No, you may come and go as your schedule permits. Be sure to give yourself enough time to visit the employers you are interested in and keep in mind that some may leave early, depending on their distance to travel back home.
  7. What if I have a class conflict?
    • Communicate with your professor as soon as you know there may be a conflict. Be prepared to explain why it is important for you to attend the event. Our Fair runs for several hours, so it may be possible to attend before or after your class. We can also provide a written excuse to your professor for your attendance if needed.
  8. Can I have my resume reviewed by someone?
    • Yes! Please consider visiting us during our open office hours on Tuesdays from 10 AM – 12 PM. You may also make an appointment to have your resume reviewed at
  9. How do I prepare for an interview after the Career Fair?
    • We have several resources to help you prepare. Contact us at for more information.

Join us for opportunities to learn from professionals on how to sharpen your networking, resume, and interviewing skills to help you prepare for our Fall Career Fair. All majors are welcome to attend!

Coming soon!

The success of our Career Fairs depends on student volunteers. If you have already found employment and are not attending the Career Fair, please consider volunteering. We especially need your help for set-up the day prior, the morning of the Career Fair, as well as clean-up after.

Coming soon!