Senate Committee Appointment Request


* Yes No
* FT Faculty PT Faculty Contract Prof Staff Administrator
UG Student Grad Student Retiree
*  See committee descriptions below *

* Required field

Committee Descriptions

Ad hoc Academic Investment Committee 
Reviews proposals for academic investment submitted by faculty members and identifies investment needs and priorities based on annual metrics. Defines and communicates the methodology to be used in the proposals, and communicates the criteria used to evaluate the proposals to the faculty. Makes recommendations for academic investment to faculty senate. One non-voting ex officio committee member is designated by the Provost. Full-time faculty only may serve on this committee.
Academic Policies (APC)
Recommends and interprets academic policy on university-wide matters. Recommends changes for the improvement of the academic program of the university.
Accessibility Committee
Reviews and recommends policies regarding disability and accessibility issues that relate to the academic function of the university, including academic policies which apply to faculty or students, and reports these to the Senate for action.
Advises faculty senate on all university activities and coordinates with other faculty senate committees relating to intercollegiate athletics. Provides advice and counsel to the director of athletics. Promotes academic achievement among student athletes.
Computing & Communications Technologies (CCTC)
Advises on policy matters regarding utilization of information technology related to academic systems, electronic systems acquisition, budget, and other matters affecting academic areas.
Curriculum Review (CRC)
Reviews university curricula such as course changes, proposals, new programs, the mechanics of admission; recommends such changes and revisions for inclusion in the general bulletin.
- General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC)*
GEAC shall be responsible for reviewing curriculum change proposals that affect general education requirements.
Faculty Research
Recommends the budgeting of sums of the university's support of faculty research proposals to be funded by this committee. Establishes policies for funding proposals ans reviews research proposals submitted by faculty and grants university funds in support of those proposals deemed worthy.
Part-Time Faculty Committee
To develop and consider recommendations for the rights and responsibilities of part-time faculty including measures to improve morale and academic effectiveness and to consider the possibility of creating a permanent standing committee of the Faculty Senate on part-time faculty issues.
Program Review Committee
Provides a formative assessment of academic programs by reviewing self-studies submitted by program faculty. Establishes the template and guidelines for the program review self-studies.
Reviews legislation referred to it by the faculty senate.
Student Affairs
Recommends policy, subject to approval of faculty senate, regarding the granting of scholarships, awards, grants, and loans to university students. Proposes regulations concerning all extracurricular activities (except athletics) to faculty senate.
University Libraries
Advisory group to the Dean of University Libraries to express faculty will in growth and development of the academic support which the Library supplies including acquisitions, budget, and policy.

* GEAC is a subcommittee of CRC.

N.B. - You do not need to be a member of CRC to be appointed to one of its subcommittees.

Updated:  June 2022