University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Major in History


The General Education requirement*
The second year of a foreign language.
A minimum of 32 credits of history courses, which includes:

Core requirements

3400: 310: Historical Methods (3 credits)

At least 6 credits from each of the following fields:

Field I (United States)
Field II (Europe)
Field III (Global, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Middle East)

Additional elective credits to total at least 32 credits**

Upper-level requirement:***

At least 16 credits towards the History major must be from 300/400 level upper-division courses, of which a minimum of six credits must be at the 400 level and in two different fields.

*Students declaring a major or 2nd major Fall 2019 or after may apply up to 10 crs. of Gen Ed (HWT and Global Societies courses) towards the major.

**With the approval of the History Department Undergraduate adviser, a History major may apply up to six credits of course work in related disciplines (cognate courses) toward the 32 credits required for the History major. Cognate credit, however, shall not be substituted for either Historical Methods, for 400-level courses, or for the field distribution requirement specified above.

***Transfer students must take a minimum of history 14 credits at UA and must have a minimum of 6 credits in 300-400 level classes.

Student Resources

Contact Us

T: (330) 972-7006
F: (330) 972-5840

The University of Akron
Department of History
Arts and Sciences 216
Akron, Ohio 44325-1902

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