University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Employee & Labor Relations

Employee Resources Notice:

Information for employees has been largely relocated to the new MyAkron. Please refer to the intranet site for the most up-to-date information and resources. 

Collective Bargaining Agreements

These pages provide information specific to each bargaining unit.

Employee & Labor Relations

The Office of Employee and Labor Relations is in the Administrative Services Building at 185 E. Mill St. in Akron.

Mailing address:  

The University of Akron
Human Resources
Akron, Ohio 44325-4733

Michelle Smith
Assistant Vice President, Human Resources
Phone (330) 972-5146
Fax (330) 972-2323

Emily Lenke
Director, Employee and Labor Relations
Phone (330) 972-6195
Fax (330) 972-2323

Allie Schwartz
Human Resources Generalist
Phone (330) 972-6410
Fax (330) 972-2323
