University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

J-1 Student Interns

Check this list before beginning:

  • J-1 Student Interns must be currently enrolled in and pursuing a degree at a foreign post-secondary academic institution outside the U.S.
  • The internship must be a structured and guided work-based learning program that partially or fully fulfills the student’s post-secondary academic degree requirements at his or her home institution.
  • The internship must provide on-the-job exposure to American techniques, methodologies, and technologies.
  • The internship must enhance the intern’s knowledge of American culture and society.
  • Interns cannot work in unskilled or casual labor positions or in positions that require or involve childcare, elder care, or medical patient care or contact.



1. Ensure that the internship program meets the regulatory requirements:

  • Minimum of 32 hours/week with no more than 20% clerical work, and
  • The supervisor must:
    • Be willing to provide continuous on-site supervision and mentoring of the intern
    • Conduct periodic evaluations of the intern

2. Check on past participation by student

  • Verify if the student has ever participated in the J-1 Student Intern category in the past
    • There is a cumulative limit of 12 months at each degree level

3. Certification letter for both elements:

A letter signed by the registrar, dean, or someone of an equivalent position at the home institution can fulfill this.

  • Obtain proof that the student is currently pursuing a degree program in his home country, and
  • This internship will fulfill educational objectives of that degree program

4. Screening interview for qualification:

According to the regulations:

  • The supervisor must conduct a thorough, documented screening of the potential intern by video conference or webcam (by phone if video conference is unavailable) to determine that they are qualified.
  • You can combine this screening interview with the English Language Proficiency Interviews if you summarize on the form that you discussed topics relevant to determining they're “fit” for the position
    • (e.g., academic background, relevant experience, etc.)



1. Intern's supervisor fills in:

  • Sections 1 and 4 (pages 3-5) of the DS-7002, Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP)
  • You will need to know: 
    • The student’s current major and expected program completion date (MM-DD-YYYY)
  • See some examples of how to complete Section 4
  • There is no need to sign the T/IPP at this point. Signatures will be collected after the International Center prints the T/IPP from the SEVIS database.

2. The International Center will:

  • Fill in Section 2
  • Fill in the Sponsor portion of Section 3
  • Create the T/IPP in the SEVIS government database
  • Send the document electronically to the host department

3. Host department:

  • Collects signatures on the T/IPP (electronic is okay)


1. Invitation letter: (similar to a visiting scholar invitation letter)

  • Be sure to include # of hours per week and that intern will be self-funded
  • Any information on the letter should be consistent with what is in the DS-7002
  • Review the invitation guidelines (scroll down to Host Visiting Scholars, then Invitation Letter Guidelines)

2. Student Intern Agreement:

Download the template that fits the intern’s situation based on the source of funding.

  • The Agreement must be signed by host professor, chair, and dean on the UA side
  • After obtaining their signatures, send this to Robyn Brown
    • She will pass it along to the Office of General Counsel for review before the Office of Academic Affairs signs.

3. If intern will be paid:

  • Submit a Position Request signed by Dept/College
  • Please attach this to the Student Intern Agreement, so it can be passed along to the provost
  • Check with HR to see whether a Search Waiver is needed
  • A PAF will also be needed later

4. If the intern is unpaid:

  • Submit a zero-pay PAF signed by Dept/College, attach to the Agreement

5. Request for Form DS-2019

6. Approval

After the International Center receives all the required documents above and OAA has signed the Student Intern Agreement and HR paperwork, the host department can:

  • Officially invite the student
  • Obtain the intern and the home institution’s signature on the Student Intern Agreement
  • Collect pages 7-9 of the Request for Form DS-2019 from the intern
  • Collect the intern’s supporting documents (passport copy, proof of funding, etc.)



The International Center will:

  • Create the Form DS-2019
  • Prepare welcome information for the scholar
  • Inform the host department and scholar when the DS-2019 is ready

The host department will:

  • Express mail the DS-2019, T/IPP, and welcome information to the student intern



  • Student Intern applies for J-1 visa



If the internship is 6 months or less

If the internship is longer than 6 months


Contact Robyn Brown at 330-972-6798