Akron Law news archive


Professor Katharine Van Tassel discusses the Ebola crisis and Ohio’s quarantine laws on The Jasen Sokol Show on WAKR
Professor Katharine Van Tassel discusses the Ebola crisis and Ohio’s quarantine laws on The Jasen Sokol Show on 1590 WAKR (Akron) on Thursday, October 9th 
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Adopts Recommendations Made by Akron’s Public Health Law & Science Center
The eagerly anticipated Statutory Enforcement Report, Patient Dumping, issued by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was released in the last week of September 2014. The Report adopts several recommendations made by Professor Katharine Van Tassel in her testimony before the Commission in Washington D.C. last April, 2014 and in her Written Statement submitted to the Commission.  The Report was sent directly from the Commissioners to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House, John Boehner.  The research that formed the background for the Written Statement was performed by the Student Research Team for the Public Health & Law Center at Akron Law (pictured), along with the expert support of the Akron staff members of the PHLSC team, Anthony Colucci and Amy McCoy. This Written Statement was cited multiple times in the report. "This was definitely a team effort," states Professor Van Tassel. "It is amazing how our team pulled together to help with my testimony and with the research for the Written Statement. It shows what we can do together here at Akron Law to improve the human condition." "Patient dumping" is the practice of hospitals' denying individuals emergency medical screening and stabilization services, or transferring them to other hospitals, once a hospital discovers that the patients are uninsured or have no means to pay for treatment. The Report examines the effectiveness of the federal law that Congress passed to address such practices:  the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).  The Report discusses what policies may be adopted to better protect the rights of the mentally ill, and makes detailed findings and recommendations for improvements.  The recommendations include:
  • Better data collection
  • Increased regulatory oversight
  • Non-punitive methods for hospital reporting
  • Electronic filtering of data that automatically flags inadequate reporting data
  • Linking budgets of community-based mental health programs with local hospitals to recover costs from patients treated in centers rather than hospitals
  • Making it mandatory for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to forward all EMTALA cases to the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Increased training and education
  • Conforming EMTALA's definition of stabilization so that it is consistent with the medical definition
  • Fostering learning from best practices
  • Implementing consistent protocols and discharge planning
Martin R. Castro, Chairman of the Commission, stated, "We are pleased to share this important Report with the President, Congress and the American people and hope that our findings and recommendations serve to improve the conditions that were presented to the Commission during the briefing." The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is an independent, bipartisan agency charged with advising the President and Congress on civil rights matters and issuing an annual federal civil rights enforcement report. For information about Commission's reports and meetings, visit
Over Seventy Law, Public Health and Medical Students Come Together from Several Universities to Create Interdisciplinary Teams to Discuss Ebola Crisis
Over 70 law, public health and medical students joined together to discuss the Ebola crisis in the first inter-professional class held between Akron Law, NEOMED and CEOMPH held this past Saturday, October 4.  The students attended via web video conferencing classrooms located at University of Akron, Cleveland State University, Ohio University, and Youngstown State. The afternoon-long session explored the legal, ethical and medical issues arising out of a hypothetical outbreak of Ebola involving 200 individuals in Northern Ohio. There were short presentations and a panel discussion by faculty to introduce the problem. Then, the students held lively discussions in break-out sessions involving inter-professional teams of medical students, physicians, public health professional students and the law students who are part of the Health Law Certificate Program at Akron Law.   Faculty presenters and panelists included the following:
  • Dr. Julie Aultman, who is an Adjunct Professor in Akron Law's Health Law Certificate Program and who is also an Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Director for the Bioethics Certificate Program at the Northeast Ohio Medical University
  • Professor Katharine Van Tassel, who is a Professor of Law and is the Director of the Public Health Law & Science Center and Health law Programs at the University of Akron School of Law
  • Dr. Amy Lee, who is the Program Director for the Consortium of Eastern Ohio Master of Public Health Program (a partnership of The University of Akron, Cleveland State University, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Ohio University, and Youngstown State University) and who is also a Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the Northeast Ohio Medical University
  • Dr. Michelle Chyatte, who is an Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the Northeast Ohio Medical University
Expert on sports law, Professor Jack Sahl, comments on lawsuits against universities and the NCAA brought by players released to play before recovering from concussions
Expert on sports law, Professor Jack Sahl, comments on lawsuits against universities and the NCAA brought by players released to play before recovering from concussions. Click here for more information.
Akron Law students get practical legal experience
The University of Akron School of Law held another of its monthly outreach clinics on Saturday, August 23, 2014. Local citizens who attend the clinic have the opportunity to complete applications for the Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE) or applications for expungement (the court sealing of their criminal record). The purpose of the clinics is to increase employment opportunities for those who have a criminal record. Eighty-four people attended the clinic held on Saturday at the Mount Haven Missionary Baptist Church. During the 3-hour clinic, law student volunteers completed twenty-nine CQE applications, and twenty-six expungement applications. Twenty University of Akron law students staffed the clinic, including 8 first year students who had not yet attended their first official law school class. The law student volunteers raved about their volunteer experience at the clinic. First year student Kyle Cramer stated, “I greatly enjoyed the experience. It was very satisfying helping people. Most of the clients were very grateful.” Fourth year part-time student Kristen Guappone commented: “I truly felt I made a difference. [I helped] clients who [had] acknowledge[d that] they ... made a serious mistake in the past, and were now actively trying to turn their lives around. Frustrated that their past mistake was keeping them from employment or housing, the CQE petition we filed helped them demonstrate and show to the court that they were making a sincere[] . . . effort to remain a ... law-abiding citizen and to maintain those positive choices in their lives. The clients were overly thankful, some near tears, that [the] granting of this CQE might finally allow them . . . to leave some of their past behind, and have a second chance.” Third year student Dave Garnier had similar comments about his experience. The “ CQE Legal Clinic is a way for law students to help these people take steps to improve their lives and those of their family members. The CQE application process is not difficult for a law student, but our help makes a real difference in the lives of many Summit County residents with prior convictions. As students at the University of Akron School of Law, aware of the responsibilities of those entering the legal profession to the community ... we welcome such a wonderful opportunity to bring together a need and a possible way to meet that need.” Third year student Justin Burns also observed that “Akron Law's CQE Clinic is an example of how the University of Akron School of Law can partner with our community to facilitate ex-offenders' re-entry into society. Personally, I found it frustrating to hear of how our clients' past offenses, some [with] convictions over 15 years ago, still faced obstacles in finding employment based on their criminal record. Since the individuals with whom I worked had already demonstrated the ability to lead law-abiding lives in order to become eligible for the certificate, it was inspiring to become part of their journey as they apply to become active, engaged citizens in our community.” To date, the University of Akron School of Law has hosted 14 outreach clinics. 709 people have attended the clinics and they have been helped by 295 law-student volunteers. The law students have completed 225 CQE applications and approximately 191 expungement applications. The CQE clinic is supervised by Professor Joann Sahl, and the Expungement clinic is supervised by Attorney Russel Nichols.
Professor Katharine Van Tassel to speak at AALS annual Meeting on issues of law and policy arising from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa
 The 2014 West African outbreak of the Ebola virus is the most severe epidemic attributed to this pathogen since 1976, when international health officials began keeping records on Ebola.  As of August 2014, the total number of suspected cases has approached 2,000, and the number of suspected deaths has exceeded 1,000.  The World Health Organization has designated the health crisis as one of international concern.  The law has a strong stake in containing this outbreak and preventing future episodes of this kind. Professor Katharine Van Tassel will be speaking on a panel at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Schools addressing issues of law and policy arising from the Ebola outbreak. Professor Van Tassel is the Director of the Public Health Law & Science Center and Health Law Program at the University of Akron School of Law. 
New dean named to lead School of Law at UA
Matthew J. Wilson brings a wide range of experience to this leadership role, including his time spent teaching and living abroad.
Future legal eagles start early at UA
Sixty area high school students are getting a bonus as they learn about the law at UA. They're getting preparation for college and life as well.
Wilson Huhn, professor of law, is quoted in a Bloomberg story on a U.S. Supreme Court decision
Wilson Huhn, professor of law, is quoted in a Bloomberg story on a U.S. Supreme Court decision on contraceptive coverage regulations --
Professor Emerita Elizabeth Reilly featured in Akron Legal News
Professor Emerita Elizabeth Reilly, who will retire June 30, is featured in an Akron Legal News story available at

Total results: 620