Celebrate! Discover!

With more than 200 majors, we are one of the 100 largest public university schools of music in the United States. Our 21 full-time and 31 part-time faculty are dedicated to helping you discover your future in the many diverse fields of music. Our programs include bachelor degrees in music composition, education, performance, and jazz studies. We also offer the Master of Music degree in composition, accompanying, performance, music education, conducting, jazz, and theory.

The School of Music is part of the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences, the largest college on the UA campus. We remain one of the best opportunities to explore your potential in the field of music and make your Akron Experience exciting and memorable.  The University of Akron School of Music is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.  

We are two thirds finished with our All-Steinway campaign, with only 30 pianos left to go!  If you would like to know more about the campaign or make a contribution to improve this vital technology for our students, please visit our All-Steinway campaign page.

I encourage you to take some time to surf our website. Discover your potential in our programs. We welcome you to join us in celebrating the successes of the faculty, students and alumni of The University of Akron School of Music!

Dr. Marc Reed


Our mission

  1. To provide a rigorous performance and academic education for students who qualify for professional careers in music.
  2. To provide musical and educational leadership in meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing musical environment while ensuring sound training in traditional areas of study.
  3. To serve the University community through course and workshop offerings, and performances by students and faculty.
  4. To serve as a cultural resource in northeastern Ohio by providing concerts, workshops, and conferences, and by sharing faculty and students' expertise with the community.

THESE BROADLY STATED GOALS can be realized through the following set of more specific goals, which apply to both undergraduate and graduate programs alike:

  1. To offer the full spectrum of traditional degree programs in music and to develop additional programs that reflect the changing and expanding role of music in our society.
  2. To attract and retain the highest quality students possible.
  3. To provide the highest quality teaching and performing experiences in a variety of settings, for all students regardless of race, creed, sex, age, national origin, or handicap condition, and to provide maximum opportunities for students to interact with and learn from practicing professionals in the field.
  4. To attract and retain the highest quality faculty possible, who are both effective and dedicated teachers and practicing professionals capable of providing a level of training equal to or exceeding that of the best state university music schools nationwide.
  5. To develop complete musicians, capable of communicating the essence of their art through performance, teaching, written word and verbal discourse, who are able to assume upon graduation leadership roles in the musical community, regionally, statewide, and nationally, and who are able to pursue advanced studies at other institutions.
  6. To provide ongoing educational opportunities (both degree and non- degree) for non-traditional students, senior citizens, those seeking career changes or those seeking self-enrichment.
  7. To provide a forum and conduit for creative thought and scholarly inquiry through the encouragement and support of faculty composition, performance, research, and publication.