At The University of Akron
Corrosion and materials degradation cost the United States $276 billion annually, according to "Corrosion Costs and Preventive Strategies in the United States," a study released by NACE International and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. With those costs continually rising, UA recognized a need for skilled corrosion engineers and is the first university in the nation to offer a baccalaureate degree in corrosion engineering.
Capitalizing on this unique degree program, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded The University of Akron a grant to create the National Center for Education and Research on Corrosion and Materials Performance (NCERCAMP). NCERCAMP provides corrosion engineering research, testing and analysis to provide corrosion and materials performance solutions to industry and government agencies.
The center's more than 30 interdisciplinary professors and technicians are experts in a wide variety of engineering disciplines, including corrosion, chemical, surface, mechanical, civil, electricals and structural engineering, as well as polymer science, applied mathematics and statistics. This unique collection of skillsets allows the center to provide innovative solutions to wide range of corrosion and materials performance issues.

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