Parent and Family Orientation

Welcome to The University of Akron family! Thank you for supporting your student’s decision to attend UA. We believe that parents and family members are an important source of encouragement and support as students enter the University.

The orientation experiences for students and for families are intentionally planned separately to give each of you the opportunity to learn about the University and all it has to offer.

While your student is meeting classmates and learning about life on campus, our Parent and Family orientation track is also a great time for you to begin your UA experience. Whether a returning parent, a UA alumni member, or a new member to our Zips community, orientation affords parents and families the opportunity to ask questions, meet other families, and begin the process of transitioning to having a student at college.

Everyone on campus, including our orientation staff, is excited to help you learn all you need to know about UA and is here to provide support and information.


How to Prepare for Parent and Family Orientation

  • Bring a list of question that you need to have answered and make a plan for which questions are more appropriate for you or your student to ask.
  • Understand the schedule and where those questions can get answered and where university business can be completed.
  • Make certain your student prepares for orientation by reviewing this list...many items apply to parents and family members, too!
  • Know that you will be with your student for certain sessions - sometimes seated together and sometimes separately - and in different parts of campus for others. Rally points are provided so that you can know where you can meet back up with your student at appropriate times.
  • Academic advising and class registration does not take place at New Roo Orientation. If you have any questions regarding class registration, please email to get your student connected to the appropriate advisor.

Parent and Family Orientation Need to Knows

Orientation's Complete - What's Next?

Have questions?

Check out the New Roo Experience FAQs. If you have further questions or concerns contact our office by phone, text or email below.