University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.


Biomaterials / Bioengineering Research


Mission Statement: The Biomaterials/Bioengineering cluster at the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering seeks to understand biological materials design principles in living organisms and tissues, and to design bioinspired materials that benefit society in the areas of biomedicine, technology and the environment.

Technical Focus: A wide diversity of Bio-related topics are covered by the faculty in this area, including, but not limited to, comparative biomechanics and biorobotics using insights from locomotion of living animals (Henry Astley); gecko- and spider silk-inspired adhesive materials and bird feather-inspired structural colors (Ali Dhinojwala); 3-D printed synthetic skin grafts for wound healing, drug delivery and wet adhesives (Abraham Joy, Ali Dhinojwala); antimicrobial polymers, ceramics and composites (Abraham Joy, Nita Sahai); orthopedic and dental biomaterials and bone biomineralization (Nita Sahai); nonenzymatic polymerization of biomacromolecules and their self-assembly leading to the Origins of Life (Nita Sahai); and mass spectroscopic analysis of biological and bio inspired synthetic materials (Chrys Wesdemiotis).

Why Akron: The School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering provides one of the most highly recognized programs in polymer and other advanced materials in the world. The Biomaterials/Bioengineering cluster of faculty cover a wide range of expertise from Biomechanics to Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Physics, Biogeochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. These faculty collaborate closely on many projects, thus providing students a unique opportunity to have a 360o-degree perspective of the field.



Representative Publications


Dr. Nita Sahai
Phone: 330-972-5795