Construction/Goods & Services

Notices & Specifications

Please contact the Department of Purchasing if you are unable to access the information below. Adobe Acrobat Reader may be necessary to properly view some of the documents contained within this page.

This page contains links to University Bid Specifications, RFP's, Requests for SF 330's, and Requests for Qualifications.  The following statements apply to all information obtained from this site. Any company or individual providing responses to these requests are responsible for all information contained within the "Original" specification or request and compliance with all the terms and conditions contained therein. 

Unless otherwise noted within the specifications, all proposals are to be submitted through the Public Purchase bidding tool and must be in either Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF format or directly through the bidding tool (format is determined by each individual request). Responses that do not conform to these specifications may not be considered.

The posted Bid Tabs reflect bids as opened and read. No selection of apparent low, responsive and responsible bidders have been made. The Bid Tab is furnished for information only.

All files listed below are also available in print form upon request.


Awards, Legal Notices, Bid Tabulations, SF330, Prevailing Wages-Medina, Summit and Wayne Counties

Goods and Services

To view all active bids for The University of Akron and to register/or login to use Public Purchase, please click here.

Public Purchase registration instructions are here.