Outstanding Transactions will result in P-Card Suspension/Termination

In the next several weeks, travel cards will be issued to replace your P-Card for Travel and Hospitality Expenses. Please note that new Travel Cards (THE-Card) WILL NOT be activated until all outstanding transactions from your existing P-Card have been reviewed and approved.  This means receipts are attached, business purposes documented, and attendees of meals identified.  Transactions must also be approved by the supervisor or designate.

Going forward, travel cards will require ALL transactions to be cleared, reviewed, and approved within two weeks of the original transaction.  Under our new Workday software, these transactions will NOT post to the appropriate cost center until reviewed and approved; therefore, timely review and approval MUST occur for accurate expenditure tracking.  Failure to clear transactions in a timely manner will result in the card being suspended.

This is a Directive from our Controller’s Office. 

Procurement Card Program

The purpose of this program is to provide The University of Akron employees with guidance and direction for proper use of PCard.

New Card Requests

Please Email Pcard@uakron.edu for new cards.

SVP-0323-1019 Zippy PCorporate card graphic V2-0138.png

Resources & Information

Link to Job Aids

Global Card Access

P-Card Processing

Policies and guidelines

P-Card Manual (March 2023)


The Procurement Card Program has been established as a service to campus departments.

This program enables departments the convenience of a University Procurement Card to purchase certain goods costing less than $1,500.

The University benefits from the use of the PCard because our procurement process facilitates the placement and payment of small dollar orders in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

We recommend the Procurement Card should be used for as many small purchases as possible.


While we encourage its use, departments are required to follow the established rules and procedures listed in this manual. 

All cardholders will be held accountable for their actions.

The Procurement Card Program cannot be used to avoid or bypass appropriate purchasing procedures or bidding requirements. 

The Procurement Card Program is designed to work side by side with existing purchasing procedures and to empower the cardholder to make needed small dollar purchases without delay and with minimal paperwork.

Items purchased using the PCard that need to be shipped to a specific addresses, should only be sent to addresses within the University campuses.


The cardholder is responsible for the security of their PCard.

The card shall be treated with the same level of care as the cardholder would use with his or her own personal credit cards. The card is to be stored in a secure location. 

The PCard account number should be protected. Be cautious and be suspicious of requests for account information.

The PCard account number should never be put in an e-mail. At most, only use the last four (4) digits.

If you are unsure of any request regarding your PCard, contact the Department of Purchasing with questions or concerns.

The Application Process

First, the requester must email the Procurement Card Program through Pcard@uakron.edu

They should copy their supervisor on their request to have the card and state the purpose for using the card (Travel, Office Supplies, Equipment)

The requester will then be given an access code to the Bank site to complete an online application.

Once the application has been submitted, the bank will create the new account and send the P-Card to the Purchasing Office.

Card Use by the Assigned User

Making a University related purchase with your Procurement Card is a simple process. The card is permitted for purchases via telephone, internet, mail or in person.

Follow these guidelines when using your Procurement Card:

  • First, verify the purchase is within your monthly & per transaction limits.
  • Verify the item being purchased is not on the list of restricted items.
  • Inform the vendor this purchase is on behalf of The University of Akron, a state institution and exempt from state sales tax
  • Next, provide the vendor your P-Card information and allow them to process your transaction.
  • If your transaction is within the acceptable transaction and credit limits, and not with a restricted vendor, your transaction will be complete.
    • If the account holder ever has an issue with a transaction that should go through, please contact P-Card Program administrator.
  • Finally, you will need to obtain an itemized receipt of your transaction from the vendor.
    • If the purchase is via the internet, telephone or mail, print what information you have that aids in documenting the purchase. Also request a receipt from the vendor at delivery or when you pick up the items.
  • Please note you must scan receipts and any documentation supporting the transaction. You then attach the PDF scans to the transaction using the payment processing website.
  • For Grant related expenditures, the department or cardholder will be required to electronically attach all itemized receipts and any other supporting documentation within the payment processing website.

Card Use By Another Employee

Should you allow another University employee to use your card, you are responsible to ensure that the individual using the card is aware of the appropriate uses of the card.

Further, the borrower must return the card, along with the necessary purchase documentation, immediately after making the purchase. 

You should note vendors may question a different person signing the card and may refuse the sale.

Restricted Usage

Restricted Vendors

Vendors are assigned a Merchant Category Code, or MCC, based on the type of business they operate. 

Using these classifications, the P-Card is restricted for use with certain types of vendors.  If the PCard is presented for payment to these vendors, authorization will be declined.

However, if a transaction within guidelines is declined, please call the Program Coordinator immediately to discuss the purchase. 

Also note that many vendors who operate within acceptable MCC’s may sell some items restricted from purchase using the P-Card.

The message here is, even though an approved vendor sells it does not always mean the Cardholder will be able to buy it.  Please reference the Restricted & Prohibited Items topic for a complete listing of restricted items.

If you believe your department has a unique purchasing need that cannot be met due to these restrictions, please contact the Program Coordinator prior to the purchase, as an exception may be approved.


Another restricted use of the P-Card is called Pyramiding, which is the use of multiple card transactions to make a purchase that would otherwise exceed your procurement card per transaction limit. 

Pyramiding is not permitted.

For this discussion, important terms are transaction, transaction limit, and available credit.

To illustrate, here are two descriptions and examples of pyramiding:

First, is pyramiding charges, which is the use of multiple transactions to circumvent per transaction limits.

For example, someone with a $1,500 per transaction limit makes a purchase of $1,900 by requesting the vendor process one transaction for $1,500 and another transaction for $400, to circumvent the $1,500 per transaction limit.

Note that the practice of pyramiding is considered in play whether a transaction is for several items or just one item.

Second, pyramiding orders: is the use of multiple installment payments to circumvent a transaction limit. More specifically, pyramiding an order is a sequence of 3 behaviors:

  1. First, the purchase of item(s) in excess of your transaction limit,
  2. Second, spreading separate payments for the item(s) in amounts under the permitted per transaction limit,
  3. over an interval of time. UA’s interval is 7 days.

For example, say a department has a $9,000 monthly available credit limit. If by making a $5000 purchase on the last day of the month, then an additional $5000 purchase on the second day of the next month, we are effectively spreading a $10,000 transaction over two billing cycles, in <7 days.

This is an example of pyramiding an order and is not permitted.

**Restricted/Prohibited Procurement Card Purchases And Activities **

Please contact Purchasing for assistance if you have a need that may not comply with this program.

Certain items from the “Restricted & Prohibited Items List” may be purchased through the ESM on-line ordering system and charged to the University Procurement Card. 

Visit the Department of Purchasing website for more information about the ESM on-line ordering system, including the current list of items available through the system.


Legal Notices, Job Advertising, Internet, Publications. 

University Communications & Marketing must be contacted.

Alcoholic Beverages

Except as allowable under The Allowable Entertainment and Other Discretionary Expenses Chart.


Air Conditioners, Heaters, Refrigerators, Stoves, Ovens, Washer, Dryers, Microwaves, Coffee Pots, Toasters, etc.

Cash Advances

Computers, Electronic Communication Devices

Laptops, Tablets, PC's, iPads, Cell Phones, Two-way Radios, Telecommunication Equip., Printers, Copiers, Faxes, etc. 

Online University Computer Store must be consulted for all purchases of computer systems, equipment, & software.


Copiers, Printers

Contact Printing Services


All furniture - contact buyer for University contracts

Gasoline or Fuel

The University Fleet Fuel Card, is available through The Department of Purchasing and exempt from fuel and gasoline taxes.

Guns, Weapons, Ammunition or  Other Explosive Devices


Hazardous Chemicals

Hazardous chemicals are defined as any chemical with the following information on the label:

explosive, flammable, oxidizer, corrosive or poison and with either a flammability, health or reactivity designation factor above one

(1) (see special notes on Hazardous Chemical purchases below)

(2) exemptions may be granted for specific users and departments


Rental cars, Travel, etc.,-  purchase no additional coverage.

Inter-Departmental Purchases

Computer Store, DocuZip, etc. 


Copiers, Vehicles, Parking Spaces, Storage Space, Printers, Equipment, etc.


For all off-campus printed materials, departments are required to work with University Communications & Marketing for prior approvals

Purchases that exceed your per transaction limit


Pyramiding/Splitting Transactions

In any form described above, or any other attempt to make a transaction outside the parameters of your procurement card. 


Bio hazardous or Radioactive Materials, Lab Chemicals

 See Hazardous Chemicals above.

Rentals (except Vehicles - through University Contract)

Including but not limited to Tools, Tents, Property, Storage, Equipment, Halls, etc. Contact the Purchasing Department if you need an exception to this rule.

Security Systems

Including but not limited to Audio Video, Alarms.


Including but not limited to: Construction, Professional, Personal, Performance, Lectures, repairs to any equipment on campus property (repairs may be charged to Procurement cards if the repair is done off campus property).

Services - Catering on Campus

Contact Dining Services


Contact the Computer Store for more information.

Telephone, Cellular Phones, Pager Equipment & Supplies

This type of equipment must be purchased through the Department of Telecommunications. There are existing contracts in place. Additionally, purchased devices must be compatible with UA networks.

Toners, Printer ink

Contact University Printing Services

Vehicle Purchases

The University has existing contracts for better pricing, contact The Department of Purchasing

Hazardous Chemicals & Bio Hazardous/Radioactive Materials Or Lab Chemicals

Hazardous Chemicals and Bio hazardous/Radioactive Materials, as defined in the Restricted Items List, are restricted from purchase with the P-Card;

Based on the criteria, the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health and Safety, or EOHS, makes the final determination if a chemical or material is considered hazardous and therefore excluded from the Procurement Card Program. 

Please note, EOHS needs to be notified of any permitted chemicals purchased using the P-Card.

You are strongly encouraged to consult with either EOHS or the P-Card Program Coordinator prior to purchasing chemicals with your P-Card;

It is important to understand that purchasing restricted chemicals, or the failure to report purchased chemicals to EOHS, may result in immediate suspension of your Procurement Card

Record Retention

Record Retention Responsibilities

As required by IRS regulations and OMB circulars, all purchases must be properly documented. 

Specifically, transactions must be supported by original, itemized, receipts. 

Internet purchases require a copy of the order, itemizing all costs. 

If documentation is not available, an explanation must be documented and filed on the payment processing website.

Explanations supporting a transaction must explain the business purpose in terms that would be clear to an external viewer.

Cardholders are responsible for maintaining documentation in compliance with the university’s record retention policy. Cardholders must keep paper and/or electronic receipts for the current Fiscal Year and for 2 years prior.


Record Retention Requirement for Grants

Per federal grant regulations, transactions purchased using grant funds require a longer record retention period.

Records related to grant funded sponsored projects have a retention period of “Active +10 years”. 

‘Active’ means all documents related to a sponsored project that has not ended, and for which the final financial report has not been filed. 

For this reason, all receipts and records pertaining to a grant funded purchase must be scanned and attached to the transaction in the payment processing website.


Maintaining The Procurement Card

Reconciliation Of Your Procurement Card

The bank will notify you by email, of transactions waiting to be reviewed.

Instructions for completing a reconciliation are located on the Procurement Card web-site. https://www.uakron.edu/purchasing/facultystaff/procurement-card.dot

In general, the steps for reconciliation are:

  1. log-in,
  2. check any un-reviewed transactions as reviewed,
  3. change the speedytype number if necessary,
  4. select the 4 digit – expenditure account code,
  5. split the charge if necessary, to more than one account,
  6. add transaction notes for the business reason for the purchase. If not the cardholder, document who made the purchase,
  7. if necessary, dispute the transaction.


We strongly recommend you review all transactions within 5 calendar days of the transaction posting to the P-Card web-site. 

To ensure account changes you may make have time to take effect, all transactions must be reviewed, approved, and any changes made, within 7 calendar days after the transaction has posted.

Please note, Speedtype changes made in payment processing website after the 7 day review date will not be updated to the departmental budget report in PeopleSoft. Please contact the Controller’s office to make changes after this date. 

Change Card Limits And Parameters

Change requests must be made via an email to Pcard@uakron.edu, copying the cardholder’s supervisor or approver.


Lost/Stolen Cards

The Procurement Card is University property. It should be secured just as you would secure your personal credit cards.


If a card is lost or stolen, the cardholder should immediately notify Bank of America at 888.449.2273 the contact provided in the Resources section of the course and also the Department of Purchasing at ext. 7340. 


Upon receipt of your call, further use of the Procurement Card will be blocked. 


Also send written confirmation via email of card loss to the Department of Purchasing, at Pcard@uakron.edu, as soon as possible, to limit University and departmental liability.

Prompt action in these circumstances can reduce University and your department's liability for fraudulent charges.

Cancel Card

The Procurement Card must be returned to the Program Coordinator when the cardholding employee separates from the University.

Sales Tax

The University of Akron is a tax-exempt organization.

Our tax exempt status means The University is not subject to many federal taxes and is always exempt from State of Ohio Sales Tax.

For your convenience, the University Tax ID number, 34-6002924, is printed on the P-Card. 

Cardholders are responsible for reminding vendors of our tax-exempt status. Be sure that Ohio Sales Tax is not added to the invoice.

If needed, copies of the University's Tax Exemption Certificate may be obtained from the Department of Purchasing.


Additionally, The University of Akron has been granted a state sales tax exemption in several other states. Check the department website for a list of these states. Be sure to check this link if making hotel accommodations in another state. https://www.uakron.edu/purchasing/facultystaff/other-state-tax-exemptions.dot

If sales tax is inadvertently charged to the Procurement Card, it is the cardholder’s responsibility to contact the vendor and have them issue a credit for the tax amount.

Should you have any questions regarding whether or not sales tax should be paid, please contact the Department of Purchasing at ext. 7340.

Supervisor’s Responsibilities

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to approve all charges made on the Procurement Card in their area. 

Charges are approved electronically, via the payment processing web site. (https://payment2.works.com/works/).


All Procurement cards are randomly audited by the University Internal Auditors, or external auditors.


The Department of Purchasing conducts random reviews of P-Cards.


The Department of Purchasing uses automated monitoring systems to generate monthly usage reports.


The Department of Purchasing provides reports to the Controller’s Office twice a month for its use and review.


Data is then uploaded to the Peoplesoft Budget.


Procedures For Improper Procurement Card Usage, Record Maintenance Or Reconciliation

The following list provides examples of violations of the Procurement Card Policies & Procedures:

  • Purchase of a prohibited
  • Exceeding per transaction limits by splitting purchases.
  • Improper record keeping.
  • Failure to review Procurement Card transactions online.
  • Supervisor’s failure to approve Procurement Card transactions.
  • Excessive state sales tax applied to Procurement Card transactions.

Procurement Card Users (Card Users) agree to accept responsibility for the protection and proper use of the Card as outlined in this Manual. Card Users agree that the Card may be used only for authorized University business and that such use shall conform to all University rules and policies, including those in Rule 3359-31-05 (Travel on Behalf of the University) and Rule 3359-31-06 (Business Related Expenses) and as outlined in this Manual. Card Users agree that no personal expenses will be charged to the Card per the Department Card Use & Agreement and Card Users agree that the Card may not be used to purchase restricted items as described in the aforementioned Rules or in this Manual. Card Users understand and agree that improper, fraudulent, or any unauthorized use of the Card is a serious violation and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Card Users agree to allow the University to collect any amounts owed for improper purchases even if no longer employed with the University. Card Users agree to authorize the University to take whatever legal steps are necessary to collect an amount equal to the total of the improper, fraudulent or unauthorized purchases. The University reserves the right to terminate a Card Users right to use the Card at any time, for any reason, and Card User agrees to surrender the Card immediately upon request for misuse of the Card.

Similarly, Card Approvers must ensure that all rules and policies, including those outlined in Rule 3359-31-05 (Travel on Behalf of the University) and Rule 3359-31-06 (Business Related Expenses) are followed. Card Approvers who fail to follow the correct procedures as outlined in the aforementioned Rules or in the P-Card Manual will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment

Occasionally, mistakes happen and you realize that you need to reimburse the university for a particular transaction made using the Pcard.

  • Submit the form and payment to the Cashier’s office for reimbursement of the transaction.
  • Scan and upload a copy of the Deposit Form and the receipt number given to you by the cashier’s department, to WORKS as documentation for the reimbursement

Additional Information regarding Departmental Deposits:

Deposits can be submitted daily in Simmons Hall Room 106 depository or in the overnight depository located in the lobby by the front doors of Simmons Hall.  Once your deposit has been processed, a receipt will be sent to you by campus mail or email.  Please specify on your deposit if you would prefer to receive your receipt by email.

Departmental deposits that include checks are to be deposited within 48 hours from the time of receipt.

Checks should be made payable to "The University of Akron"

University of Akron - Gift Card Policy/Procedures


To provide policies and procedures on the purchase, distribution, tracking and accounting for gift cards and gift certificates.

Policy Statement:

Gift Card purchases are permitted provided the expense is reasonable and necessary to carry out the mission of the University. Gift cards, regardless of the value, are considered cash equivalents by the Internal Revenue Service and are subject to tax reporting. Departments purchasing and distributing gift cards are responsible for compliance with IRS regulations and university policies.


For purposes of this policy, "gift card" is defined as a stored-value or similar instrument issued in lieu of cash or check, including, without limitation, a gift certificate. As a cash-equivalent instrument, gift cards are governed by tax rules and internal control requirements.


The value of an individual gift card shall not exceed $100.00 per card. Gift cards greater than $100.00 must have prior approval from the Controller’s Office.

Gift cards may be purchased for/under the following individuals or circumstances:

a. Event volunteers

b. Sponsored project participants

c. Outreach participants

d. Door prizes / contest winners

e. Survey participants Gift cards issued to students for emergency situations may be purchased and distributed only by the ZipAssist Office.

Gift cards issued to students for emergency situations may be purchased and distributed only by the ZipAssist Office.

Sponsored Projects:

Use of gift cards for sponsored project participants

a. The use of gift cards as incentives or awards of externally funded sponsored project participants must be described in the grant proposal. If the gift card was not described in the grant proposal, the purchase of a gift card on a sponsored project requires prior written approval from the sponsor. If prior approval is not obtained, the gift card purchase is not allowable on the grant. Additionally, when conducting human subjects research the protocol must be submitted to and approved by the Institutional Review Board and the informed consent of participants must be sought and documented.

b. The use of gift cards as incentives for department research not funded by an outside entity should be described in a descriptive narrative, protocol or publication. The document must specify that gift cards to be used as incentives will be purchased in the appropriate dollar amounts from a specified vendor or vendors. When conducting human subjects research, this document must be submitted to and approved by the Institutional Review Board and informed consent of participants must be sought and documented.

When Gift Cards May NOT be Purchased: 

Gift cards may NOT be purchased for University specifically identified active employees, students (undergraduate and graduate students, and post doc research associates), researchers or consultants employed by the University. For example, a department may not purchase a gift card/certificate for an employee for achieving specific employment milestones.

• Gift cards may NOT be purchased as gifts for graduating students.

• Gift cards may NOT be purchased as a holiday bonus or other gifts to employees or students.

• Gift cards may NOT be purchased to pay suppliers and consultants for goods and/or services received.

Purchasing Gift Cards:

-Gift cards may be purchased through the Zip Card Office.

-Gift cards may be purchased with a quote through the purchase order process.

-Gift cards may be purchased with a University P-Card with the pre approval of the Purchasing Department.

Tax Implications:

If the combined total value of gift cards received and compensation for services rendered exceeds $600 in any calendar year for a non-employee, a form 1099-MISC will be issued. If the gift recipient is a United States citizen, he/she will be required to complete a Form W-9, and the department will forward the completed W-9 to Accounts Payable along with the amount of the gift card given. If the gift card recipient is a foreign national or non-resident alien, he/she will be required to complete a form W-8BEN, and the department will forward the completed W-8BEN to Accounts Payable along with the amount of the gift card given.

Research Trial Participants:

Departments must inform all research participants that the value of any gift cards they receive for research participation is taxable income. The departments must keep records of all remunerations, including gift cards, provided to each research participant. If the amount exceeds $600 within a calendar year for any individual, the department must collect a Form W-9 from that individual and report this information to the System Accounts Payable office for Form 1099 reporting. Research participants who are also university employees will be treated the same as non-employees provided the following conditions are met:

a. The employee’s participation is voluntary and not part of the employee's official university duties;

b. The employee’s participation is on the employee's own time;

c. The employee does not perform any service while participating in the research study that would be performed in the course of the employee's regular university responsibilities: and

d. The employee is not receiving additional benefits when compared to the other participants. If any of these conditions are not met, any payments to the employee must be reported to the Payroll Office so that these payments will be included on the employee’s W-2 and applicable taxes will be withheld.


a. Gift card activity shall be documented by the department so that the physical number and value of cards in the custodian’s possession matches the balance of gift cards documented on a log, receipt book, or equivalent method of documentation.

b. The method of tracking gift cards should record the following information:

i. Recipient name or in the case of anonymous of confidential human subject participants, the participant ID number

ii. Date of distribution

iii. Signature of Principal Investigator or department head authorizing disbursement to recipients

iv. Purpose of payment

v. Serial number of the gift card vi. Amount of gift card vii. Signature or initials of study participant or recipient, if available

c. Alternate method of record keeping for anonymous and confidential surveys – for anonymous surveys and confidential research participants, the department must maintain a reconciliation of the number of cards given equaling the number of surveys or participants. This reconciliation process must be approved by the Controller’s Office.

d. Alternate method of record keeping for mailed and electronic gift cards – For mailed and electronic gift cards, the department must maintain a reconciliation of the number of cards given equaling the number of surveys or participants. This reconciliation process must be approved by the Controller’s Office.


The individual assigned the responsibility of distributing the gift cards should not also be assigned the responsibility of tracking and reconciling gift cards.

Custody and Security Gift cards require the same level of security as cash.

Approval and Limits The purpose and purchase of gift cards outside this policy must be pre-approved by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or his/her designee due to the fact gift cards are the equivalent to cash and can have income tax implications. The value of an individual gift card shall not exceed $100.00 per card.

Zip Card Office Zip cards will have an expiration date not to exceed one year.

Procurement Card Staff

Lori Horton
Procurement Card Manager

Deb Wilhite
Procurement Card Coordinator