University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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Prohibited items

Items and activities prohibited in the SRWS Facilities include but are not limited to:

  • Food and beverages, except at the café and free zone bridge areas. Note that water or sport drinks in a plastic or metal container with a screw or sport top are permitted in all activity areas. Glass containers are prohibited.
  • Photography using digital cameras, web cams, cellular phone cameras, cameras, video recorders or any other recording device unless prior permission is granted by designated SRWS professional staff.
  • The University of Akron is a tobacco free campus, see University Rule 3359-20-05.10 for details.
  • Spitting is not allowed, except in appropriate receptacles located throughout SRWS facilities. Patrons observed violating this policy will be asked to leave and may face further disciplinary action.
  • Chewing gum. Please dispose of gum in proper trash receptacles before participating in any facility activity.
  • Bicycles, strollers, skateboards, and in-line skates. Bike racks are provided at all SRWS entries. Locking bikes to anything other than a bike rack is prohibited and will be reported to UAPD for removal.
  • The use, possession, or storage of hoverboards and similar devices.
  • Use of personal television (TV) remotes to control floor TVs. See TV station policies for more information.
  • Posting or chalking announcements, flyers, posters, etc., on building walls, windows, lockers, and/or doors unless prior permission is granted by appropriate SRWS professional staff member.
  • Music in SRWS facilities plays at a set station and volume. Patrons are not allowed to bring in portable external devices to play music.  Personal music is limited to headphone use only and should not be audible to others.