University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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Am I required to live on campus?

The following students are required to live in on campus housing:

  • First year students
  • International Exchange Students
  • First year and second year scholarship student athletes.
  • The Exemption Form can be found in your My Housing Portal.
Exemption criteria Automatic Exemption - No Form Needed
Automatic Exemption - Form and Documentation Required Form and Documentation Required. Reviewed on a case by case basis, not all submissions are approved.
Student’s permanent home address that was used when the student applied for admission is in Summit, Wayne, Portage, Stark, or Medina counties.
Student is registered for fewer than six credit hours
Student is 21 years of age or older (as of first day of class for the admit term)
Active duty military experience (one plus years: DD-214 discharge documentation required)
Marriage (copy of marriage certificate required)
Student is a single parent with custodial care responsibilities (copy of most recent tax return show the child is claimed as a dependent or a copy of the medical eligibility card for student and dependent child is required)
Student’s permanent home address that was used when the student applied for admission is outside Summit, Wayne, Portage, Stark or Medina counties AND such residence is 25 miles or fewer from main campus (302 E. Buchtel Ave., Akron, OH 44325)
Medical condition (required medical documentation outlining the reason why living in a residence hall is detrimental to the student’s health)
Disability (similar documentation as required for medical condition)
Other extenuating circumstances in which the student can provide 3rd party documentation

Here is the link for the full Board of Trustees rule regarding the Freshman Residential Requirement: