University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Untitled Document

Residence Hall Handbook


Students living in the university owned residence halls are responsible for their actions as well as the actions of their guests. It is the expectation of the university community that each member of the community will respect all community members and their property. However, some members of the community may, either by error or intent, violate community standards. At these times it will be necessary to hold the community members responsible for their actions. It is the intent of the university to approach these violations from an educational perspective when appropriate. However, other sanctions or requirements may be necessary to ensure that the residential community continues to be a conducive living and learning environment. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the policies and expectations the university community has for individual action. Any residence hall student who violates a policy faces the possibility of being charged with allegedly violating the Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct applies to all undergraduate and graduate students at The University of Akron. Each University of Akron student is held to the Code of Student Conduct and it is each student’s responsibility to read and follow the Code of Student Conduct.  A current and printable version of the code, definitions of misconduct, and other important student conduct information, is available at

Student conduct meetings

The hearing process for adjudicating student conduct incidents that occur in the residence halls has been designed to assist our students learn how to better live together in a residential environment. Specifically these environments are designed to allow our students opportunities to see how their own behavior affects the lives of the others who live in their community as well as how their behavior impacts their own opportunities to achieve their own goals. Student conduct incidents could involve violations of the housing contract, Residence Life and Housing Policies or the Code of Student Conduct and some violations may be subject to review by the Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards.

The Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards will address both on and off campus behavior that violates the Code of Student Conduct.  Student conduct meetings are held in addition to, and separate from any criminal or civil court proceedings.

The responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of our campus is one of the reasons Student Conduct and Community Standards exists. The disciplinary power of the University is inherent in its responsibility to protect the educational purposes and processes through the setting of standards of conduct and scholarship for its students and through the regulation of the use of its facilities. The Code of Student Conduct applies to a student consistent with the jurisdiction provided for in the Code.  A student also is expected to abide by applicable federal, state and local laws. The University assesses penalties for violation of its own regulations; however, the student is subject to public laws that University Police officers (among other law enforcement agencies) are empowered to enforce on University property. All students are advised to become aware of the disciplinary procedures published in the Code of Student Conduct.

Residence Life and Housing Staff may hear residence hall policy violations such as those outlined in this in the sections of this handbook. RLH staff seek to achieve an informal resolution or refer for further action. A database is kept on an residence hall student policy violations to track repeated behavior.

Students, Ohio law, and violent offenses

The Ohio Revised Code states that if a student, faculty or staff member commits an offense of violence, as defined by the Ohio Revised Code, even when committed off-campus, that individual may be subject to dismissal from the University. If arrested for one of these offenses, the individual will be required to have a 1219 hearing before a referee, who will review evidence presented by the University and the charged individual and decide if the individual should be suspended from the University pending outcome of the criminal proceedings. Should the individual be convicted of the crime, that person is automatically dismissed from the University for no less than one year and readmission to the University is contingent upon petition to, and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Violent offenses include, but are not limited to: arson, assault, robbery, inciting to violence, riot, robbery, inducing panic, domestic violence, intimidation, burglary, menacing by stalking, menacing, rape, sexual battery and gross sexual imposition.


Sanctions will be commensurate with violations found to have occurred.  More than one sanction may be imposed for any single violation.  Individual circumstances, attitude and prior conduct history are some factors that are considered when determining sanctions.  For a complete list of sanctions refer to the Code of Student Conduct at .

Hearing authorities may impose appropriate sanctions with or without probation, including restrictions on right of access to campus facilities, monetary restitution for damage or misappropriation of University or University community member’s property, disciplinary room changes, disciplinary contract cancellations, letters of apology, written papers, etc.

Repeated violations or interim contract suspensions

If students demonstrate that they are either unwilling or unable to manage their behavior consistent with the Residence Life and Housing Policies or the Code of Student Conduct repeatedly over time, their behaviors may jeopardize their own ability to continue residing in University residence halls.

If the Department of Residence Life and Housing determines that an accused student’s continued presence in the residence halls disrupts the good order and discipline of the residence halls or poses a threat to his or her own physical or emotional safety or to that of others, the student may be removed from the residence halls pending the outcome of the student’s disciplinary process(es). 

Student rights and responsibilities

The University recognizes the importance of your rights as a student. Those rights include freedom of expression, the procedures of due process, and respect for the personal integrity of all members of the community and their property. By ensuring your individual rights, the University fosters an environment conducive to learning and growing-both personally and academically.

As a member of this community, you practice personal integrity and by doing so, you respect the dignity, rights and property of all members of the University community. The Code of Student Conduct creates an expectation of behavior that the University community finds acceptable.

If you see something, say something

All students, faculty and staff have the responsibility to report behavior inconsistent with University rules. When another member of the community is harassed, bullied, or otherwise made to feel detached or distant from the University community, all of us suffer.  To ensure all residential students have access to help RAs and professional residence hall staff are trained to assist students experiencing bullying and harassment. The University of Akron Police Department is always available at 330-972-7123 to assist students in need of personal care and support. If you see something, please say something. Make a report:

By working together and reporting unwanted, unnecessary and hurtful behaviors, we all can create a safer University of Akron community.

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