University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

47th Annual Greek Leadership Awards

2022 Greek Leadership Award Winners

Academic Awards

Chapter Academic Excellence Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Alpha Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon
New Member Academic Excellence Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.  Alpha Delta Pi Phi Delta Theta
Most Improved GPA Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.  Alpha Phi Phi Sigma Kappa

Standards of Excellence - Categories

Certificate of Achievement Certificate of Excellence
Academic Achievement ΑΔΠ, ΑΦ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΓ, ΔΖ, ΚΣ, ΛΧΑ, ΦΔΘ, ΦΣΚ, ΣΝ, ΤΚΕ ΑΓΔ, FIJI
Campus & Community Involvement ΑΔΠ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΖ, ΚΣ, ΛΧΑ, ΣΝ ΑΓΔ, ΔΓ, ΦΔΘ, FIJI
Chapter Operations ΑΔΠ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΖ, ΚΣ, ΛΧΑ, ΣΝ ΑΓΔ, FIJI
Civic Responsibility ΑΔΠ, ΑΓΔ, ΑΚΑ, ΦΔΘ, FIJI, ΦΚΤ, ΣΝ ΔΓ
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ΑΔΠ, ΑΓΔ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΖ, ΛΧΑ, ΦΔΘ, FIJI, ΦΚΤ, ΣΝ ΔΓ
Facility Management ΑΔΠ, ΑΓΔ, ΑΦ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΓ, ΛΧΑ, ΦΔΘ, FIJI
Health & Safety ΑΔΠ, ΑΓΔ,ΑΦ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΓ, ΚΣ, ΛΧΑ, FIJI, ΣΝ
Member Development ΑΓΔ, ΑΚΑ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΓ, ΚΣ, ΛΧΑ, ΦΔΘ, ΦΣΚ, ΣΝ, ΤΚΕ ΑΔΠ
Recruitment Intake & Retention ΑΦ, ΑΣΦ, ΔΓ, ΔΖ, ΚΣ, ΛΧΑ, ΦΔΘ, FIJI, ΣΝ ΑΔΠ, ΑΓΔ
Standards of Excellence - Overall 
Chapter of Achievement ΑΔΠ, ΑΓΔ, ΔΓ, ΛχΑ, ΦΔΘ, FIJI
Chapter of Satisfaction ΑΦ, ΑΣΦ, ΚΣ, ΣΝ
Chapter of Promise ΑΚΑ, ΔΖ, ΦΚΨ, ΦΚΤ, ΣΑΕ, ΤΚΕ

Overall Awards

NPHC Spirit Award Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Interfraternal Award Sigma Nu
Panhellenic Award Delta Zeta
IFC Sportsmanship Sigma Alpha Epsilon
PHC Sportsmanship  Alpha Gamma Delta
IFC Chapter of the Year - Dean's Cup Lambda Chi Alpha
NPHC Chapter of the Year
PHC Chapter of the Year - Praestantia Alpha Delta Pi 

Individual Awards

Dan L. Buie Advisor of the Year Award


Towanda Mullins |                      Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 

Order of Omega-Thomas J. Vukovich Award 
for Outstanding Leadership

This award recognizes 10 leaders for their achievements and contributions to The University of Akron's fraternity and sorority community.

Shakya Bentley | Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 

Jack Boettler | Phi Gamma Delta

Francesca Ciccarelli | Delta Gamma

Alex Cundiff | Alpha Delta Pi

Kostandinos Dimos | Phi Delta Theta 

Jena Mies | Alpha Gamma Delta

Melissa Mitchell | Delta Gamma

Camryn Moore | Delta Gamma

Tyra Pegram | Sigma Gamma Rho, Sorority, Inc. 

Elena Vukovic | Delta Gamma 

Innovation in Leadership Award

This award recognizes students who have implemented new and innovative solutions to complex and critical problems.

Melissa Mitchell | Delta Gamma

Taha Fida | Phi Gamma Delta

Jacob Parkomaki | Phi Gamma Delta 

Brian Breittholz Scholarships

Allysn Hryn| Delta Zeta 

Chapter Presidents of the Year

These award recipients have made significant contributions to their chapter during their term and exemplify their chapter's values.

Jena Mies | Alpha Gamma Delta 

Hayden Reaman | Phi Kappa Tau 

Jasmine O'Neal | Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 

Greek Woman of the Year

Claire Struhsaker | Alpha Delta Pi

Greek Man of the Year

Matt Toplack | Kappa Sigma